Cochin (Kochi) - General Info

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Where is Cochin (Kochi)?

Cochin (historical name Kochi) is a city in southwest India’s coastal Kerala state. It has been a port since 1341, when a flood carved out its harbor and opened it to Arab, Chinese and European merchants.   The port of Cochin is often referred to as Kochi and sometimes you will see the area or district called Ernakulam.

It has traditionally been the departure point for northbound Red Sea passages with good provisioning, an interesting tourist experience and excellent medical facilities available.

After a stopover here by the Volvo Ocean Race in 2009 generated a much bigger interest in sailing, the new “Kochi International Marina” officially opened on 24, April 2010. Sadly, in recent years this marina has fallen into a state of disrepair and conditions for visiting yachts are not ideal.

The visa change which allows E-visa entry into Cochin makes a visa solution inexpensive and easy, however, new rules 2024 that an agent is now required for entering India adds extra expense to an already complicated clearance process. See India Clearance for more details.

The marina has basic facilities, but is becoming more and more run-down, although it does have reliable electricity,  24-hour security on-premises and visiting yachts can use the Bolgotty Island Resort facilities.

The city offers a perfect blend of the traditional and the modern and is a major tourist destination encompassing tranquil backwaters, heritage and historical sites, antique shops, spice trade centres etc.

Cruiser Highlights for Cochin (Kochi):

Only marina in India – minimal cost; some repair facilities (no haul out); cheap labour; helpful locals; safe place to leave the boat and explore inland; easy provisioning; wonderful culture and sights.

Entrance Notes and Cautions for Cochin (Kochi):

  • Port Control will most likely identify you on AIS long before you reach the harbor area and call you on VHF CH16.
  • The entrance channel is shallow and the water full of silty mud, so the depth sounder readings may not be accurate. It has been reported that boats with a 2.5m draft have made it up there. Keep to the west side of the channel and approach at high water slack.
  • The marina floating docks are small, short and tight. Be sure to time your arrival during slack tide to assist with negotiating the tight space successfully. There are normally other cruisers on the docks to take your lines. It is not recommended to arrive at night, or when the tide is flowing.
  • The Marina Manager does not have a VHF radio, nor does he have an Indian license to speak on one (in case somebody gives him a radio). Therefore, what often happens is that another yachtie/cruiser will be on the dock with a handheld VHF radio to help with docking instructions.
  • The Marina Manager (2022) was Rahul (WhatsApp): +91 95266 92787.
  • See Standard Operating Procedures for Entry and Outward Clearance of Pleasure Yachts (Cochin) – 2024


09° 58’N, 076° 13’46″E (harbor entrance)

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Cochin (Kochi) was last updated 4 weeks ago.

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  1. July 27, 2018 at 6:11 PM
    Sue Richards says:

    SVJoana says:
    Jun 17, 2018, 02:08 AM

    Although it is only June 2018, I have a very good idea of which boats have already passed through the Suez Canal and the Red Sea. There have been 31 private yachts that made the passage, of which 5 have made a North to South Passage. The boat names are:

    ANNA SAARA, AURA, BENYLEO 2, BONAVENTURE (North to South), BLUE PELICAN, CANNONBALL, DR NO, ELAS, ENIGMA, ESPRIT 3, GALAXY (North to South), GREEN BOAT, INCRESCENT MOON, ITCHY FEET, KANDU, KINGS LEGEND, LEVENTEIA (North to South), LYKA, MIYAGI MOON (North to South), ORONO 1, PHOENIX, ROCK & ROLL STAR, RON GLAS (North to South), RONIN, SALIMA 2, SOUL, SORCERESS, SOUTHERN WING, SPIRIT OF AFRICA, VIMY, YACUBAL. I’m certain that there are more boats that have made the passage, but these are NAMED yachts, and not just statistics reported by agents.

    As the Administrator for the Facebook Group RED SEA PASSAGE – I encourage cruisers who are contemplating this route to join the group. Since it is a secret, closed group – membership is vetted. You may email me at to inquire. Wade Alarie / SV Joana /

    A logical port to stage out of for a Westbound crossing of the Red Sea is Cochin Marina, India. Contact Nigel Joseph marina manager, +91 97470 57015, email to Send vessel name, mono or cat, dimensions, ETA and length of stay, to reserve space in the marina.