Vanuatu – Crew arriving on one way tickets – UPDATE

Published 14 years ago, updated 6 years ago

Since posting the below news item, noonsite has received the following information from Port Vila Boatyard.

“Owners/crew who have their vessel under our care in Port Vila Boatyard do not require a return ticket if they are returning to continue out of Vanuatu within the prescribed timelines.

Port Vila Boatyard can assist with a letter for immigration. Contact for further information.

We have very frequent communication with immigration and customs are. movements of the yachts in our yard, and on our moorings, and I believe this is why we are able to do this. This is for recreational vessels, not professional crew.

We have done this in the last week.”

Original Report Posted 30 March 2010

Recently, when trying to get the yacht crew into the country on a one-way ticket, we have had trouble.

In the past, a letter from immigration and 5000 vt before or at the airport were sufficient.

However, the new head of immigration is not letting anyone in on a one-way ticket, no matter what the circumstances. All visitors must enter with a return ticket.

I’m working on trying to get this changed and will keep you updated on my progress. But as of the end of March 2010 – the policy is no one-way tickets.

Jess Bell

Kaleva Yachting Services – Vanuatu

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