USA: NOAA to hold Webinar on “Sunsetting of Traditional Raster Nautical Charts”

In November 2019, the National Oceanic and Atmosphere Administration (NOAA) initiated a five-year process to gradually end production and maintenance of traditional paper and raster nautical chart products.

Published 4 years ago

NOAA is now seeking feedback from chart users and companies that provide products and services based on NOAA raster and electronic navigational chart (NOAA ENC®) products. This information will shape the manner and timing in which the product sunsetting* process will proceed.

Any interested members of the public are invited to register for an online webinar entitled:  “Nautical chart cancellation process, timelines, and strategic approach”  which will be held on Thursday April 22 at 1.00pm EDT.

Beginning in 2021, NOAA will start cancelling its traditional nautical charts. Ultimately, production of all NOAA paper nautical charts, raster navigational charts (NOAA RNC®), and related products, such as BookletChartsTM will cease.  The process is expected to be completed by January 2025.

Electronic Navigational Charts

Chart users can create their own customized charts directly from the latest NOAA ENC data using the online NOAA Custom Chart (NCC) application.  

A new version of NCC will become available in the spring of 2021 and a new webpage with more information about the application and how to use it will be launched at that time.

Related Links:

Webinar Registration

NOAA Custom Chart application

NOAA Raster Chart Products

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* Sunsetting is a term that refers to purposely and systematically phasing out a product or service.

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