USA: New Requirement for ALL Foreign-Flagged Boats

From January 2016, all foreign boats are required to apply for a Cruising Licence.

Published 9 years ago, updated 5 years ago

There is a new requirement for all foreign-flagged boats to apply for a cruising licence on initial entry into the USA. This now applies to Canadian and other boaters who are registered with the Small Vessel Reporting Scheme (SVRS) and who use the NEXUS scheme or the Local Boaters Option (LBO) for frequent trips in and out of the US.

The Cruising Licence can only be issued after a face-to-face meeting with a Customs and Border Protection (CBP) officer. Once issued, it permits multiple re-entries into the USA for up to one year and permits travel within the US without the requirement to report to Customs at each port visited.

See this CBP web page for more details.

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