USA: Major Upgrade for US Coast Guard Navigation Center Website

The US Coast Guard is undertaking a major upgrade to the Navigation Center (NAVCEN) website with the aim of providing more useful, easier-to-access and streamlined maritime safety data and information.

Published 3 years ago

Source:  US Coast Guard

The Navigation Center (NAVCEN) provides services to enhance the safety, security, and efficiency of U.S. waterways, and respond to the needs of civil Global Positioning System (GPS) users.

In the coming months, NAVCEN will transition the website to a new version that will provide greater functionality and aesthetic appeal across all devices, ranging from desktop computers to cell phones.

This change is planned for the first quarter of 2022, and will necessitate changing individual page URLs, including those used in automatic downloads of Navcen products.

The primary URL,, will stay the same.

This change will impact users who have bookmarks or who use scripts to access the data.

“We will publish URLs you may need in scripts or download software in plenty of time for you to alter those scripts, as well as a firm cutover date. We will publish this information as the date firms up in our development process,” according to the Center’s Website Transition Team.

“Our outreach team will work with you to ensure your transition is as seamless as possible. If you are a subscriber to any of our GovDelivery email lists, you will receive information regarding the migration via those lists. Alternatively, you may communicate with our team at to ask questions or request additional information.

“Thank you for your patience as we move forth with this transition to improve your experience and to provide you with better and more timely maritime safety information.”


Related Links:

Navigation Center – NAVCEN

US Coast Guard


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