USA: Coast Guard, partner agencies preparing for Operation Dry Water

U.S. Coast Guard bulletin 07/02/2019 08:43 AM EDT: Operation Dry Water, the national campaign to prevent boating under the influence, will begin July 4, 2019 and law enforcement crews will be patrolling to ensure boaters are safe on the water.

Published 5 years ago

Coast Guard Vessel approaching sailboat for boarding.
Coast Guard Vessel approaching sailboat for boarding.

Alcohol use is the leading known factor in fatal boating accidents.

The Coast Guard will be partnering with local law enforcement agencies during the operation

Despite legalization in several Northeast states, marijuana is federally illegal.

As a federal law enforcement agency, Coast Guard crews will continue to take action to enforce all federal laws, including those relating to the transport, use and possession of marijuana.

Marijuana is a controlled substance and possession or use remains a federal offense under the controlled substances act (21 USC 801).

Coast Guard crews may conduct boardings on commercial and recreational boats on international, federal, and state waterways while on patrol to ensure the safety and security of the boating community.

For additional questions about the Coast Guard enforcement of alcohol and marijuana, please call First Coast Guard District Public Affairs at 617-223-8515 or 617-717-9609.

United States Coast Guard Website

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