USA, Atlantic City: Cruising Couple Rescued as Boat Sinks after Microburst Hits

(May 31, 2019) – Peter Bailey and Heidi Snyder lost their home on May 29, 2019, on the last leg of their circumnavigation, when they were hit by a microburst off the coast of New Jersey.

Published 5 years ago

heavy weather clouds
Photo by Ryan Kwok on Unsplash

Circumnavigators Peter Bailey and Heidi Snyder were on the last leg of their circumnavigation aboard their 55ft heavy yawl “Bertie” when disaster struck on Wednesday night (29 May).

During their final passage back to New York City a sudden microburst struck the boat 65 miles off the New Jersey coast. Lasting no more than 2 minutes, it capsized the boat completely throwing the couple into the sea.

Neither were wearing lifejackets or warm clothing, but managed to activate the EPIRB and huddle together clinging to the boat for approx. 3 hours until the Coastguard came to the rescue.

Peter and Heidi were taken to hospital for checks, but “Bertie” was left to sink.

Peter designed and built the boat on the general lines of Slocum’s “Spray” between 1976-84.

As reported by: – 2 rescued from capsized boat off coast of Atlantic City – Man and woman spent three hours clinging to their capsized boat in the Atlantic Ocean . . .

Noonsite has not independently verified this information.

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