US: Two National Sailing Hall of Fame Inductees Finally Meet

On the eve of their induction into the United States National Sailing Hall of Fame, Doris Colgate and Lin Pardey finally got together to share stories of their lives afloat.

Published 1 year ago

Source:  Cruising World Magazine

After 45 years of running into each other at boat shows but ­uttering no more than a brief hello, Doris Colgate and Lin Pardey finally sat side by side in Newport, Rhode Island.

They’re talking, laughing, giggling, smiling and ­reminiscing about sailing and their lives.  They’re about to join an exclusive club of nautical notables that’s 114 members strong, all inductees into the US National Sailing Hall of Fame.

Doris’ husband, Steve, received the honor in 2015. The Colgates are responsible for teaching 160,000 people how to sail and explore the world. Doris also founded an organization dedicated to furthering women’s participation in the sport and lifestyle: the National Women’s Sailing Association.

Doris Colgate with husband Larry. Image sourced from Cruising World Magazine.

Lin and her husband, Larry, who died in 2020, are known for two leisurely circumnavigations aboard engineless, self-built wooden boats. They published extensively about their experiences, encouraging countless others to set off on their own cruising adventures.

Lin Pardey on board SV Taliesin. Image sourced from Cruising World Magazine.

Read what Doris and Lin had to say on the eve of receiving sailing’s highest honor, in this article by Cruising World Magazine.

Lin Pardey and Doris Colgate – Inductees Into the National Sailing Hall of Fame


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