US Customs & Border Protection: New Small Boat Reporting Procedures Now In Effect – Updated

The official ROAM (Reporting Offsite Arrival – Mobile) App allows boaters to present themselves for face-to-face inspection with a CBP Officer using Video Chat, for entry into the United States. Now operational in Florida, select locations in Minnesota, and in the Great Lakes and Saint Lawrence River area between Buffalo and Ogdensburg, NY, all sailors, regardless of nationality or citizenship, are eligible to use the CBP ROAM app.

Published 6 years ago

This news item is now out of date. See the latest ROAM info. on the CBP website.

U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) have launched the CBP Reporting Offsite Arrival – Mobile (ROAM) app, a new way for pleasure boaters to report their U.S. entry in select locations nationwide.

This app provides pleasure boaters with a convenient and efficient way to report their U.S. entry from a personal device, as opposed to calling their local CBP number. Float plans are no longer required, and the Small Vessel Reporting System (SVRS) is being discontinued in the coming months. A notice will be posted to the SVRS website with a specific date and thereafter all yacht skippers will be directed to utilize the CBP ROAM app.

SVRS, Local Boater, or Registered Traveler numbers will remain in effect and can be utilized and saved within the app to expedite reporting.

This means yacht skippers now have the flexibility of reporting their arrival into the U.S. from any location.

What is the CBP ROAM app?

The CBP ROAM app is a free mobile application that provides a new and faster option for pleasure boaters to report their U.S. entry to CBP. Skippers can use their personal smart device (or a tablet located at partner businesses) to satisfy reporting requirements in select areas. All skippers, regardless of nationality or citizenship, are eligible to use the CBP ROAM app.

Where can the CBP ROAM app be used?

Currently, the CBP ROAM app can be used to report U.S. entry by pleasure boat in Florida, select locations in Minnesota, and in the Great Lakes and Saint Lawrence River area between Buffalo and Ogdensburg, NY. Additional locations are being added, and skippers should contact their local Port of Entry to confirm whether arrival submissions via the CBP ROAM app are accepted.

How do I get the CBP ROAM app?

The exact App name is CBP ROAM and it’s available for Android and Apple.

Go to the website:

Once you download the App, you need to create an account. You can then enter crew information (including photos of each passport) and vessel data, all in advance. On return to the US, you select the passengers, vessel and answer a few basic questions about the trip. After submitting the data, a customs officer will initiate a video call inside the app. You will need to show your face and passport. You will then receive clearance confirmation by email.

The whole process is reported to be quick and easy and all information can be easily saved within the App and recreated for future voyages.

Feedback from ROAM Users taken from a variety of Cruisers Forums

We just used ROAM coming into Fort Lauderdale from Turks and Caicos last week. The interface needs a bit of attention but it worked. A customs officer started a video call with us through the app and approved each of us while we were still underway. Easy peasy. You’ll obviously need reliable fast internet onboard.

I’ve used it twice already coming back from the Exumas to Miami and it works very well. It is much faster than the old floatplane system which requires going thru pages and pages to fill out all the data. First trip the customs officer initiated a video call and asked to see each of us holding our passports. The second time we were cleared without the video call. In each case, it was the two of us with LBO/SVRS numbers plus a non-LBO US citizen crew. Neither time did they have to go to immigration as before. Big improvement.

Just used it coming into Ft Lauderdale from the Bahamas. Easy. Quick. WiFi is not needed, worked fine over ATT cell connection. Way better than going to customs in person!

If you have cleared into the US with the new ROAM program, please tell us about it. Simply register on the site [BROKENLINK] and post your feedback below.

Press release from the CBP:

For CBP ROAM questions or comments, please reach out to

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  1. December 25, 2022 at 11:16 PM
    zorts says:

    We used CBP ROAM to enter Puerto Rico at Culebra from the BVIs on Christmas Day, 2022. It worked fine, but there is one detail that’s easy to miss: you have to submit the arrival request from someplace “close” (definition???) to the intended port of entry. I first submitted a request from just west of St. Thomas (about 15NM from Culebra), and it was rejected. I tried again at the entrance to Ensenada Honda (about 2.5NM from Culebra) and ti worked fine.

    Also – if your boat is over 30 feet in length, you will need a DTOPS decal to register the vessel with the app.

    — Jerry, aboard Idril