UK: Working Group Formed to Review Entanglements with Fishing Gear

Getting caught on buoys marking nets or pots, has been a perennial problem for yachtsmen. As a result a consortium of UK Maritime agencies have got together to establish a new working group, which will attempt to find new solutions aimed at reducing small craft getting entangled in them.

Published 6 years ago, updated 5 years ago

The RYA together with the Cruising Association (CA) and the Maritime Coastguard Agency (MCA) have created a new working group, the Lobster Pots, and Small Craft Safety Working Group. At their first meeting, they agreed that the current rules relating to fishing gear marking and hazard reduction should be examined and new solutions found, which would ultimately improve small craft safety.

In a report by the RYA, Cruising Manager Stuart Carruthers said ” Poorly marked fishing gear that poses a hazard to navigation because it cannot be readily seen has been a major concern for the RYA and for recreational boaters for many years. Through this newly established working group, we will continue to seek better ways of avoiding entanglement and improved enforcement action for those who ignore the law.”

Also in the report, Julian Dussek who is President of the CA, added: ” We very much hope that our petition, video, and campaign has created the impetus for action and we are delighted to have already found so much goodwill and common ground with our partners.”

The working group will look at the effectiveness of the current regulations and powers and will thereafter meet again to establish best practice procedures applicable to the whole of the UK.

For further information read the RYA News Item: New working group formed to tackle lobster pot hazard

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