UK, Wales: Appeal to Welsh boaters to assist with Welsh Sea Watchers program

The Sea Watch Foundation is a UK cetacean research charity and one of their main activities is the collection of data on cetacean sightings throughout UK waters with the help of a network of trained voluntary observers. The resulting data go into the national sightings database that they have been administering for over 30 years. The Sea Watch Foundation is now appealing to all boaters in Wales to assist with their new project, the Welsh Sea Watchers program.

Published 11 years ago, updated 6 years ago

The Welsh Sea Watchers program aims to strengthen the existing sightings network, increase the amount of sighting reports in Wales and raise awareness for the fascinating species of whales, dolphins and porpoises that can be observed off the UK coast.

Wales is an area that is particularly rich in cetacean diversity with one of only two resident populations of bottlenose dolphins in the UK found on its West coast. A wide variety of other cetacean species such as harbour porpoise, common dolphins, Risso’s dolphins, minke whales, fin whales and killer whales are also recorded on a regular basis.

Sea Watch is hoping to increase the understanding and awareness of these species through the Welsh Sea Watchers Project– and to determine cetacean distribution, which in turn contributes to the identification of critical habitat and the establishment of protected areas and conservation policy.

In line with this project, Sea Watch are particularly hoping to get boat owners involved as they heavily depend on casual observations from people who spend a lot of time at sea.

If you want to find out more or want to get involved, contact Katrin



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