UK: Hydrographic Office Extends Deadline for Paper Charts Withdrawal

Following discussions with international stakeholders, which highlighted a number of important transnational and regulatory factors that need further consideration, the UK Hydrographic Office has decided to continue providing a paper chart service until at least 2030.

Published 1 year ago, updated 12 months ago

Source: UK Hydrographic Office

In a media release, the UKHO said that in July last year, they announced their intention to withdraw from the production of paper charts. Following consultations with the Maritime and Coastguard Agency and national user groups, a target date of late 2026 was set to complete the process.

“This was subject to the development of digital solutions for those remaining users of ADMIRALTY Standard Nautical Charts (SNCs) and Thematic Charts, ensuring that they have viable, official alternatives, as well as meeting the technical and regulatory steps required to achieve this,” said the UKHO.

“We also made a commitment to consult closely and more widely with our UK and international stakeholders on this proposal and to listen to their feedback, stating that ‘we would leave no one behind’.

“We have met this promise, engaging with many groups and organisations in recent months, including our distributors, defence customers, commercial and leisure users, international regulatory authorities, and colleagues in the global hydrographic community.

“These conversations have highlighted a number of important transnational and regulatory factors that need further consideration, and we are grateful to every organisation that has engaged in this process. It has become clear that more time is required to address the needs of those specific users who do not yet have viable alternatives to paper chart products, so we will continue to provide a paper chart service until at least 2030.”

Peter Sparkes, Chief Executive of the UK Hydrographic Office said that as digital navigation solutions are developed, the UKHO’s long-term intention to withdraw from paper chart production remains unchanged and elements of the chart portfolio will continue to be withdrawn over the coming period, on a case-by-case basis.

“However, having listened to the feedback we have received and in light of the consequential impact of the international technical and regulatory steps required to develop digital alternatives, we will be extending the overall timetable for this process,” he said.

“Please be assured that the elements of our paper chart portfolio necessary to support safe navigation for our customers will be maintained throughout this transitional period as we increase our focus on digital navigation products and services.

“Listening and responding to our customers and partners is at the core of our approach and we are committed to ensuring no party is left behind in the digital transition. We will be working with our international colleagues and partners, including through the IMO and the IHO, to move forward at an appropriate pace together.

“The UKHO’s guiding principle is the provision of trusted, official ADMIRALTY navigation solutions that support the safety of life at sea. It is clear that the future of navigation is digital, as shown by the rapidly declining demand for paper products.

“Digital solutions offer significant safety and operational advantages to mariners, including the potential for near real-time updates, which greatly improve the accuracy of navigation and ease of use.

“These benefits will be further enhanced as we bring forward the next generation of navigation solutions, underpinned by the S-100 data standards.

“We will continue to keep our stakeholders informed throughout this process and work with them every step of the way. More details will be made available as a revised course of action takes shape, as we continue to develop our next generation of digital ADMIRALTY services, further enhancing our already strong commitment to promoting safe, secure and thriving oceans.”


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