Tonga: Good News re. Visa Extensions for Crew & Yacht

Many cruisers will remember that last year there was a problem extending a visa for the boat past 4 months in Tonga. Actually, it was more of a problem, it was impossible! Gulf Harbour Radio NZ have been working with NZs Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, MFAT, since then to try and clarify the situation this cruising season.

Published 6 years ago

Haapai Islands, Tonga – by SY Adina

Our thanks to Patricia of Gulf Harbour Radio for forwarding this information to noonsite.

In the past two years, it has not been possible to spend a full season in Tonga. This is because crew can be able to get extensions for a 6-month stay but the yacht was not! Patricia Dallas of Gulf Harbour Radio has been working with MFAT in NZ and the Tongan authorities to clarify the situation.

Tongan Immigration have confirmed that yacht crew can get a visitor’s visa on arrival, plus they can apply for an extension of the visitor’s visa for up to 5 months. The visa extension can be applied for in Vava’u or Tongatapu. (NZ and Australian passport holders get an initial one month. EU citizens get an initial 90 days).

The situation for the yacht is somewhat different. The boat gets 4 months when you arrive. Should you want longer an application has to be made to the CEO of Customs. The steps are as follows.

  • Within 2 weeks of the 4 month expiry period, lodge the application. You will get a reply within one week.
  • The application should state the name of the boat and the names of the crew.
  • The application must be signed by a Customs Boarding Officer at either Vava’u or Nuku’alofa.
  • Send the application to:

Chief Executive Officer, Ministry of Revenue and Customs
Attn: Mr. Felefonu Mapakaitolo
Ports Authority Building
Hala Vuna
Nuku’alofa, Tonga
Ph: +676 23 651
Fax: +676 22 108

  • The extension must be used within one year.
  • It will not be for more than one year including the original 4 months.

Mr. Felefonu Mapakaitolo is the contact for all yachting matters, including pre-arrival information, at email

Thanks to Sau Niulala at the Tongan Revenue and Customs Department for clarifying these details.  His email is

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