The 25th ARC set to be the most popular rally yet as World Cruising Club signs up the 200th entry

Published 15 years ago, updated 5 years ago

Interest in the 25th edition of the Atlantic Rally for Cruisers (ARC) has been “astonishing” say the event organizers, Cowes based World Cruising Club. The popular transatlantic cruising rally achieved its 200th entry today, almost three months ahead of previous years.

Commenting on the popularity of the 25th ARC, Managing Director of World Cruising Club, Andrew Bishop, said: “In its 25 year history, the ARC has become the “must-do” event on the cruising calendar, however interest in the ARC 2010 has been truly astonishing and we have already welcomed our 200th entry. I urge any owners interested for 2010 to contact us whilst we still have places available.”

Due to space restrictions in Las Palmas marina at the start of the rally, ARC 2010 currently has an upper limit of 215 yachts, which is likely to be reached shortly.

To mark 25 years since the first ARC in 1986, World Cruising Club is planning an enhanced programme of events in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria and Rodney Bay, Saint Lucia, the start and finish ports of the rally. “We want to make it a very special occasion,” says Andrew Bishop, “and will be publishing further details of the programme closer to the start date in November.”

World Cruising Club is also looking forward to welcoming some of the veterans – both sailors and yachts – of the first ARC. To date, three ARC’86 skippers are confirmed as participants in ARC 2010: long time ARC supporters Manfred Kerstan of Albatros (Swan 62RS) who sailed his previous yacht, also called Albatros in the first rally, and Christoph von Reibnitz, who sailed Rote Baron in ’86 and now has the classic Henry Gruber yawl Peter von Seestermühe; plus Norwegian yachtsman Ståle Larsen who sailed a Sweden 340 Viking Crusader in ’86 and is back with his new Sweden 40 also called Viking Crusader. Moonshadow, a Deerfoot 62, one of the original ARC 1986 yachts will sail again in 2010, though with a different owner, American sailor George Backhus.

Whilst the ARC does not start until November, entries are still being accepted for World Cruising Club’s summer events; Rally Portugal, a trans-Biscay cruising rally held in June, and ARC Europe, the “return ARC” which crosses from Tortola via Bermuda and the Azores in May.

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