Storm Emma sinks boats from Wales to Cadiz

While Great Britain suffers the biggest chill for many years, Storm Emma has also wreaked havoc in Anglesey (Wales) with Holyhead Marina suffering major damage. The storm’s tail end also had quite a sting when it struck Southern Spain last night, a tornado flattening buildings and boats in Puerto Sherry, Cadiz.

Published 7 years ago, updated 6 years ago

Boats on the hard toppled in Puerto Sherry

Holyhead Marina, Anglesey, Wales, UK

On 2nd March, boats were sunk and Holyhead marina damaged because of severe gale force winds caused by Storm Emma.

Up to 80 boats are believed to have been sunk or wrecked. Shocking images revealed millions of pounds worth of destruction as boats were smashed against rocks by massive waves during the early hours of Friday.

Around 70 private vessels and 10 commercial boats are believed to have been affected.

Pontoons were also damaged, as was the marina itself with witnesses saying it looks “completely destroyed”.

Fuel has leaked into the water and the coastguard is now looking at how it can best protect the area from further damage.

Nobody has been hurt in the incident but the coastguard and police urged people to stay away from the marina for their own safety.

Puerto Sherry, Cadiz, Spain

The passing of the tail of Storm ‘Emma’ proved disastrous yesterday for El Puerto and for Jerez as both locations suffered hurricane force winds.

However, when it seemed everything was more or less under control, a tornado entered the port at 9 pm and hit everything that was in its path, causing major damage to marina buildings, cars and boats on the dock and hard, many of which toppled over.

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