St. Helena: Closure of Moorings

St Helena government are closing the Jamestown mooring field from the 5th of January 2024 until further notice, due to ongoing maintenance and health and safety issues. Visiting yachts should be aware that anchoring is the only option.

Published 10 months ago, updated 8 months ago

The St Helena government has taken the tough decision to close their mooring field as from the 5th of January 2024 until further notice.

This is due to ongoing maintenance and health and safety issues.

Therefore all visiting yachts must anchor off to the North or West of the government moorings (see guidance map).

Suggested Anchoring Positions:

As provided by Port Control:

  • 15 55 400 South and 005 43 500 West (North of the existing mooring field)
  • 15 55 600 South and 005 43 600 West (West of the mooring field)
  • Also as an alternative: 15 55 100 South and 005 43 130 West (to the East of James Bay)

See below a snippet of chart 1771 which clearly shows these suggested positions.

If required guidance will be provided upon arrival for a suggested anchorage position.

At present there are no plans to remove the current mooring buoys, which should assist yachts with dropping anchor as described above.

James Bay, Jamestown, St. Helena

Once the mooring field is up to its full specification it will be re-opened.

For further details contact: [Radio VHF Channel 14]

See St. Helena Docking information for information on anchoring in St. Helena.

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