Solomon Islands: Major Fee Increase for Visiting Yachts

A hefty increase in customs and clearance fees for yachts visiting the Solomons has some cruisers considering changing their travel plans.

Published 6 years ago, updated 5 years ago

Aerial view of islands and atolls of the Solomon Islands
Solomon Islands from the air

The Solomon Islands government has introduced a substantial increase in fees for visiting yachts. The cost of clearing in for a yacht has increased to over US$100 with additional charges for weekend clearance and rubbish disposal. On top of this, there is now a US$22.97 per meter Customs fee.

Depending on the size of the yacht, this means a cost of several hundred dollars just to clear into the country.

In contrast, nearby Western Pacific Islands, including Papua New Guinea, Fiji and Vanuatu, have no clearance fees if clearing during normal business hours except for quarantine charges.

Despite the unspoiled beauty of these islands, this increase in fees has some yacht captains considering alternative cruising destinations. Public concern has been raised about the fee increase but at this point, fees are fixed.

See formalities and clearance fees information for the Solomon Islands here.

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  1. March 1, 2019 at 9:34 AM
    Lynda Lim says:

    Well the remedy is very simple…….strike from the destination list and avoid…..Money or the lack of money is the only thing people seem to understand. I will not be visiting there