Samoa, Upolu: New Zealand Naval Vessel Sinks After Hitting Reef

A New Zealand Navy ship, the HMNZS Manawanui, has caught fire and sunk off the coast of Samoa after running aground on a reef, putting Government and Environmental agencies on alert for a potential oil spill.

Published 13 hours ago

Vessel Grounded While Conducting a Reef Survey

The HMNZS Manawanui is a specialist dive and hydrographic vessel that is used to carry out a range of support, salvage and survey tasks. It was on its third deployment to the southwest Pacific this year after leaving its home port of Auckland, New Zealand in late September.

File photo of HMNZS Manawanui from New Zealand Defence Force website.

According to news reports, crew on board had been conducting a reef survey before the ship ran aground about one nautical mile off the south coast of Upolu, Samoa’s most populated island on Saturday night October 5.    Unsuccessful attempts were made to get the ship off the reef before it began to list to one side.

New Zealand’s Chief of Navy Rear Admiral Garin Golding said the ship’s commander made the decision to evacuate passengers and crew using four life rafts and two rigid hull inflatable boats.

According to the Samoa Observer website, the Samoa Maritime Police and the Samoa Fire and Emergency Services were instrumental in rescuing the 75 sailors and crew from  the ship.

Environmental Concerns

Samoan officials and local villagers are concerned about a potential oil spill from the vessel and the Police and Fire Commissioners are closely monitoring the rescue and mitigation operations. Local authorities are working to keep residents in the surrounding areas informed of the situation and ensure their safety.

Court of Inquiry Will be Established

During a press conference at the Manawanui’s home base – Devonport in Auckland – New Zealand’s Defence Minister Judith Collins said there will be a Court of Inquiry to establish exactly what had happened.

“At this stage the reason for the grounding is unknown and it is too early to speculate,” she said.  “Our immediate focus will be on mitigating environmental impacts and salvaging what was left of the HMNZS Manawanui if possible,” she added.


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