Portrait of a Cruiser – Chuck Houlihan & Linda Edeiken

Chuck Houlihan and Linda Edeiken left San Diego in 2005 and spent 7 years cruising Mexico. In 2013 they headed south to explore Central and South America for 2 years before arriving in the Marquesas in June 2015. They cruised French Polynesia for many years, then in 2021 sold their yacht Jacaranda and moved on board a canal boat to explore the European inland waterways.

Published 6 years ago, updated 1 month ago

Jacaranda crew in Bolivia

Chuck Houlihan & Linda Edeiken left San Diego on 2005 and spent seven years cruising Mexico. In 2013 they headed south to explore Central & South America for two years before arriving in the Marquesas in June 2015. They cruised extensively throughout French Polynesia including the Tuamotus and the Gambier Archipelago.

Their blog – Jacaranda Journey – has excellent passage notes and trip reports, with updated reports on food and fuel availability and costs, weather sources and much more in “Other Good Stuff”.


In 2021 they sold Jacaranda and moved onto a 15m canal boat to explore the European Waterways, but still maintain their Jacaranda Journey notes for anyone keen to benefit from their cruising experiences.

They have been contributing to Noonsite for many years and have consistently shared important island updates and new information pertaining to cruisers.

This interview by Sea Magazine gives a wonderful insight into their cruising life over the last 13 years. Read it online at http://www.seamagazine.com/cruising-on/

This interview with a cruiser (2017) is also an excellent read.

Reports from Jacaranda on Noonsite:

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