Panama: All Visiting Yachts Now Required to Pre-Register Arrival Information

Published 16 years ago, updated 5 years ago

A new law has been passed in Panama concerning visiting yachts, both motor and sail. The Panamanian Authorities now require that all vessels pre-register their arrival at any Panamanian port of entry, at least 48 hours prior to arrival, with a list of details about the vessel and those aboard. (See below for information required). The new regulations have actually been in place for some time, but not enforced (until now) when it came to yachts.

This new requirement has come into force following resolution DGPIMA-001-2008 and is aimed at providing a more streamlined checking-in service for all visiting yachts.

For a copy of the new law in Spanish click here.

How to Pre-Register


1. Complete the online form on the AMP website [Broken Link], or

2. E-mail the required information (see list at end of article) direct to the AMP (

The AMP is aware of the limitations binding e-mails aboard yachts, be it Winlink, Sailmail or a Satellite Connection.

Upon arrival in Panama, you must still perform the normal entry procedure, however, pre-registration will speed the process up as all port captains will have your current information at hand.

Whilst the authorities want those that come into Panamanian waters to comply with the new law, they also understand that it may not always be possible for yachts without e-mail on board to provide the information in advance. In this case, all information will need to be provided on arrival.

Panama Ports of Entry are as follows:

On the Pacific Coast

1. Balboa, near Panama City, Balboa Yacht Club, and Flamenco Yacht Club

2. Pedregal south of David, not far from Costa Rica

3. Mensabe on the east coast of the Azuero Peninsula

On the Caribbean Coast

1. Cristobal/Colon near Shelter Bay Marina and Panama Canal Yacht Club

2. Almirante in the Bocas del Toro area

3. Isla Colon in Bocas del Toro near Marina Careneros and Bocas Marina

4. Chiriqui Grande in the Bocas del Toro eastern region

5. Porvenir at the western end of the San Blas Islands

To pre-register by e-mail, please send the following information:

Date / Fecha

Agent (if applicable) / Agencia (si aplica)

Yacht Name / Nombre del Yate

Type of Yacht (Sail or Power) / Tipo de Yate (Velero o Motor)

Flag (Country of Registration) / Bandera

Last Port of Clearance / Puerto de Salida

Panama Port of Call / Puerto de Llamada (see list above)

Estimated Date of Arrival / Fecha Estimada de Arribo

(It is understood that the arrival dates are approximate)

Registration Number / Numero de Registro

Net Tonnage / Tonelaje Peso Neto

Length Overall / Eslora

Radio Call Sign / Distinctivo de Llamada

Yacht E-Mail / Correo Electronico de Yate

(Again, the AMP understands Sailmail, Winlink and Satelite limitations)

Captain’s Name / Nombre del Capitan

Owner’s Name / Nombre del Dueno

Crew List (Name, Nationality, Passport) / Lista de Tripulantes (Nombre, Nacionalidad, Pasaporte)

On-Board Safety, Security, Health, Pet, remarks, and comments / Novedad Abordo de Seguridad, Proteccion, Sanidad, Mascotas u Otros

(For example, the AMP want to know if there are any issues like an injured crew member, a mechanical breakdown or other issues)

Contact Telephone Number (if any) / Numero de Contacto (de existir)

Noonsite would like to thank Panama resident and former cruiser Dave Wilson for providing this information. If you have any questions or concerns about this new law, feel free to contact him at

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