Pacific Ocean, Fiji: Tropical Cyclone Sarai Batters Fiji and Heads For Tonga

The first cyclone of the South Pacific Cyclone season has battered the Fijian islands with strong winds and heavy rain for the past five days and is now heading for Tonga.

Published 5 years ago

Tropical Cyclone Sarai is now heading for Tonga. (c) Fiji Met Service

The Fiji Meteorological Service said the category two tropical cyclone, which developed as a tropical depression north west of Fiji before Christmas, sustained winds of up to 110km/h with gusts to 150km/h.

The cyclone has tracked south of the main Fiji island group and is now heading east towards Tonga.  The Fiji Met office has confirmed that TC Sarai is not likely to loop and head back for the Fiji Group as indicated in earlier models.

The Tonga Meteorological Service has issued a heavy rain and flash flood warning for the entire country with the cyclone expected to impact the country from Tuesday December 31.

Port Denerau Marina damaged

Port Denerau Marina on Fiji’s west coast sustained a fair bit of damage and as such is not open currently to all vessels to return to dock according to marina CEO Cynthia Rasch.

The marina will be relaunching vessels from Monday December 30, however some vessels may not be able to return to their berths due to damage caused by TC Sarai.

“It will take a little while for the marina to get back to normal but we are pleased that we were able to keep vessels safe and secure while TC Sarai passed by,” Cynthia Rasch told Noonsite.  

“We are also liaising with private and commercial vessels of their intentions to be relaunched and working together with vessels who are already booked in the marina.   We are also very grateful for the Vanua o Nakovacake in their assistance in providing shelter to vessels in their mangrove channel in return for assistance provided in rebuilding their preschool.”

Divers to assess damage

As at Sunday December 29, divers had still to assess the moorings to clear vessels to return.

Channel markers to the marina may not be aligned or missing so vessels are advised to approach with caution.

Marina management are unable to say how soon the damage can be repaired as it is still a holiday period for many companies and acquiring materials may take some time.

However there has been no reported damage to any vessels in the mangrove shelter or the marina’s hardstand.


Related Content:

Pacific Ocean, Fiji: First Cyclone of the South Pacific Season Forming off Fiji

Fiji:  Preparing for the 2019/2020 Cyclone Season

Related Links:

Fiji Meteorological Service

World Meteorological Service – Severe Weather Information Centre

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