OCC Grant to Novara One Planet Project

The Ocean Cruising Club has awarded a Challenge Grant to support the Novara One Planet project, to assist with the purchase of a solar array.

Published 2 years ago, updated 5 months ago

Novara on an expedition to the ice (c) OCC and Novara One Planet Project.

The Novara One Planet project aims to connect people to the impacts of climate change through science, education, art and adventure. It will do this through listening to the stories of people in coastal communities, how they are affected by, and adapting to, climate change and how communities can reduce their climate impact.

This Ocean Cruising Club Challenge Grant is the ninth to be made since 2019. A variety of challenging projects have been supported in that time, including unsupported, non-stop, singlehanded circumnavigations and several environmental maritime research projects.

Climate/Environmental Science

The sailing vessel Novara is a platform for climate/environmental science, in particular research in coastal communities in the Arctic, Caribbean and Pacific. There will also be opportunities for sailors and researchers to join climate-change-focused sailing expeditions.

The Novara One Planet project will be led by Dr Nigel Jollands and Veronica Lysaght. Nigel has worked on climate change research, action, policy and finance for 30 years. He’s provided advice to the highest levels of government and managed billions of euros in climate finance funds. And somehow that’s not enough. The Novara project gives him an opportunity to combine two of his passions – sailing and the environment.

Veronica Lysaght will contribute to research, provide leadership development and facilitation skills in communities where these skills are wanted. She has worked in journalism, management, coaching, research and facilitation for more than 30 years.

Novara is a specialised high-latitude expedition yacht custom built to be independent for several months at a time. She is an aluminium hulled Bestevaer 60c, designed by the famed Dykstra naval architects and built by the world-leading KM yacht builders in 1997. She is designed as a high-latitude ice breaker research vessel with a unique aero rig constructed by Damon Roberts of Magma. With Steve Brown as skipper, she has already circumnavigated the Americas. She has recently had a major overhaul of equipment, including rebuilding of her masts and yards in Southampton, and is now ready for another decade of research and adventure anywhere in the world.

OCC Challenge Grant Categories

The OCC Challenge Grant scheme has two categories; the Adventure Challenge Grant and the Conservation Challenge Grant. Prior membership of the OCC is not required in order to apply.

If you, or someone known to you is planning a particularly ambitious sail-exploration or is planning a similarly ambitious maritime conservation or environmental project, consider applying for an OCC Challenge Grant. Further details including eligibility criteria and how to apply are available on the OCC website.

About the Ocean Cruising Club

The OCC is the “home port” for those who have sailed long distances across big oceans. With 45 nationalities represented among more than 3300 members, and Port Officers around the world, we have a more diverse membership and a more international reach than any other blue water sailing organisation.

The Ocean Cruising Club exists to encourage long-distance sailing in small boats. A Full Member of the OCC must have completed a qualifying voyage of a non-stop port-to-port ocean passage, where the distance between the two ports is not less than 1,000 nautical miles, in a vessel of not more than 70ft (21.36m) LOA; associate members are committed to achieving that goal. This standard distinguishes the OCC from all other sailing clubs.

Our membership as a whole has more experience offshore than any other sailing organisation – in the number of circumnavigators, in the range of extraordinary voyages members have completed, and in the number of solo sailors and female sailors among our ranks. This is what sets us apart from other organisations, even as it draws us together as a group.

Web: www.oceancruisingclub.org
Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/OceanCruisingClub/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/explore/tags/oceancruisingclub/
Twitter: @OCC_org


Related News:

Ocean Cruising Club Challenge Grant Accepting Nominations (Noonsite – August 2019)


Related Links:

Ocean Cruising Club

Novara One Planet Project


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