NZ and Australia for Cyclone Season: OCC Working on Solutions

The Ocean Cruising Club is compiling a list of yachts who are hoping to cross the South Pacific this year. The particular focus is on boats aiming for Australia and New Zealand before the South Pacific cyclone season. They are liaising with a range of organizations to ensure decision makers are aware of the fleet and its need to be in safe harbor prior to cyclone season.

Published 4 years ago

Ocean Cruising Club

The Ocean Cruising Club is aware of many cruising yachts throughout the South Pacific. Many of these yachts are the owners’ homes and sailing or flying to their home country is not practical. Yachts in Panama, Galapagos, French Polynesia, Fiji and other Pacific nations are currently in local isolation. Yachts are not “cruising the Pacific”, they are in limbo. However, as the seasons progress yachts will need to leave the cyclone belt of the South Pacific.

The Ocean Cruising Club recognises the concerns of virus introduction held by local communities with minimal health care services. Whilst, in normal times the Pacific crossing sees yachts cruising through hundreds of Pacific paradise anchorages, this year, whilst the Coronavirus is prevalent, it is accepted yachts will face quarantine at destination and transit ports. The OCC is not seeking open cruising throughout the Pacific Islands, rather the ability for yachts to make safe passage to ports of refuge.

The Ocean Cruising Club is compiling a list of yachts who are hoping to cross the South Pacific this year. The particular focus is on boats aiming for Australia and New Zealand before the South Pacific cyclone season. The OCC is liaising with a range of folk, from diplomats and Rally organisers, OCC Port Officers, marine associations and officials to ensure decision makers are aware of the fleet and its need to be in safe harbour prior to cyclone season. We are also looking to identify available transit ports and any quarantine requirements.

There is no guarantee of any success and there is no “official” process. The Ocean Cruising Club is working on solutions, but is not organising a Rally or flotilla, nor acting as an agent.

We have been asked to compile a list of yachts, this enables officials to understand the size and range of the fleet. Yachts in the Pacific may join the Facebook Group “OCC Pacific Crossing” and respond to the “Roll Call”, the OCC will keep this Facebook Group (and of course Noonsite) up to date with any information.

For folk without Facebook and for full inclusion in the list, yachts may email the following details to the OCC:

  • Yacht Name
  • Vessel Nationality
  • Intention (Oz, NZ or other port by the SP cyclone season, 1 November 2020)
  • Current Location
  • Number of Crew
  • Names and Nationalities of Crew
  • Email and Email at sea

Send to with a copy to

NOTE: This list is being shared with officials and others working to open up borders for cruising yachts in the South Pacific.

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