Norway: Yacht Transport Ship Adrift in North Sea

Efforts are under way to rescue the MV Eemslift Hendrika, a “yacht transport” cargo ship which is adrift in the North Sea off the west coast of Norway.

Published 3 years ago

The MV Eemslift Hendrikais, a yacht transport ship operated by Monaco-based Starclass Yacht Transport, is drifting in heavy seas approximately 60 nautical miles west of Ålesund after reportedly losing engine power.

In addition to cargo, the vessel has approximately 350 tonnes of heavy oil and 50 tonnes of diesel on board.  A salvage team is waiting to board the vessel, but heavy weather is preventing this from happening.

All 12 crew members were rescued after sending a distress signal, believing the ship was in danger of sinking.

The MV Eemslift Hendrikais left Bremerhaven, Germany on March 4 heading for Kolvereid, Norway.


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