Noonsite: New Premium Features Added for Users

Sailors worldwide can now enjoy the benefits of off-line access to Noonsite’s unique global information, following the launch of new premium features today.

Published 3 years ago

New Premium Features Added for Noonsite Users

  • Off-line access now available for remote users
  • Tiered Membership offers improved access

For more than 20 years Noonsite has provided comprehensive worldwide country and port information to the global boating and cruising community. Now, for the first time, sailors world-wide can enjoy the benefits of off-line access to Noonsite’s unique global information, via the new premium features launched today.

Long standing Noonsite Editor, Sue Richards, comments “We know that many of our worldwide users rely on Noonsite as a trusted source of information about the countries and ports they visit. Our users frequently ask if they can ‘take Noonsite with them’ as they cruise, often with no or limited internet access. Now, as part of our new premium features, users can download formatted Noonsite pages, just like a pilot book, to keep and use locally”.

Tiered Membership Options to Help Keep Noonsite on the Web

Over the twenty years of its operation, Noonsite has grown tremendously and is now significantly larger and more comprehensive than it was originally. To ensure that the site remains the trusted source of cruising information it is renowned for being, it takes a growing editorial team (the fact-checkers) and a development team, all of which need funds to continue their work.

To this end, Noonsite is now requiring frequent users to pay a very small monthly amount for greater access to the site and for the new premium features. All monthly payments go towards making Noonsite better and keeping Noonsite on the web.

Sue Richards, Editor of Noonsite, explains the changes launched today; “Since I moved into the driving seat over a decade ago Noonsite has evolved considerably. It’s gone from being a clunky directory to an interactive community of cruising sailors leaving comments, reports, recommendations, and feedback. It is much easier to navigate, has grown in content ten-fold and still has so much potential to develop further. The site has so far been funded by World Cruising Club, our dedicated body of advertisers and the generous few who have donated to the site, but now we need our users to help us maintain Noonsite and bring it into the future.”

Free Online Access for All Users

The online pages of Noonsite continue to be available to users worldwide as a free-to-use service, just as they have been for over 20 years. However now, with the introduction of premium features, greater levels of Noonsite Membership are available offering improved access to the site including off-line “pack and go” pages.

Noonsite’s Country Formalities information is a valuable summary not available as easily or comprehensibly anywhere else on the web. This service saves hours of scouring official web-sites (if they exist) or using potentially unverified second-hand information, enabling a secure and confident entry into a new country by yacht.

Noonsite’s ‘fair-use’ policy limits free members to up to 3 formalities page views per month, plenty for most people’s requirements, and varying paid membership levels are now on offer for those who want greater access.

Noonsite Membership Levels Explained

Noonsite membership is available at 3 levels, from free, to basic, to premium:

Free Membership provides the following benefits:

  • Three (3) views of formalities pages per month
  • Unlimited access to all other Noonsite content
  • Access to member-only discounts
  • Comment on ports, businesses, and other content

Basic membership for US$1.99/month offers:

  • Unlimited access to all content and country formalities pages
  • Access to member-only discounts
  • Comments on ports, businesses, and other content
  • Add anchorages to the Noonsite map


Premium membership for US$6.99/month offers:

  • Offline access to up to 10 ports per month including country formalities
  • Unlimited access to all content and country formalities pages
  • Access to member-only discounts
  • Comments on ports, businesses, and other content
  • Add anchorages to the Noonsite map

The minimum membership subscription period is one month, and members can change subscription level at any time. Existing registered members will automatically be granted a free membership, with the option to upgrade.

To upgrade your account is very straightforward:
Step 1)  Log in to your existing account using the email address you registered with and the username.
Step 2) After logging in, go to the Membership Level page accessible from your profile menu or following this direct link

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  1. July 1, 2022 at 8:55 PM
    farotherside says:

    Hey – just to preface this – I love the site and love what you’ve done for the past twenty years. I am happy to pay the monthly fee, I find the information on this site invaluable!!

    …that being said, it’s a little odd that the “if you’re not logged in you can view only three formalities pages per month” site feature seems to work infallibly, but the “remember me” switch seems to forget me about half the times I visit the site. this is really annoying, specifically because after you log in the site does not take you to the page you were viewing, but rather back to the front page of the site. on the extremely slow wifi of the south pacific this adds a lot of extra time to my site viewing. frustrating!

    please do keep up the good work, but if someone could spend a little extra time optimizing the “stay logged in” cookies or whatever, it would be very much appreciated.

  2. June 26, 2022 at 9:44 PM
    alicemarkle says:

    I did up my membership to $1.99 a month and since then I am unable to access my account. Please help in resolving this situation.

    Alice Markle
    last email was

  3. April 14, 2022 at 2:36 AM
    cgarai says:

    I just purchased a premium membership, but I can’t down load any port info because the download button dies not appear for me. I would love some help!

  4. March 16, 2022 at 11:23 PM
    vikingwoman says:

    Hi Sue,
    I joined noonsite as a Premium member but can not find out how to select the
    off-line download(PDF). Any help would be appreciated.

    Kind Regards,
    Charla Mason
    sv sea love

    1. March 18, 2022 at 12:19 PM
      profile photo
      Sue Richards says:

      Hi Charla, thanks for joining Noonsite! Once logged in – go to the port page you want to download and you’ll see an easy button top right of the site where you can download the pdf. You can view all pdfs you have downloaded in your profile under “downloads”. Read more here –

  5. March 15, 2022 at 3:58 PM
    admbill says:


    I am very happy for you and all cruisers that you have figured out how to survive. Noonsite needs revenue to be able to provide the things that you provide.

    Judy and I relied on Noonsite for the most accurate information available in one place for all of the ports and countries we visited. That said, since things can be very fluid in some parts of the world, Noonsite is not infallible, rather simply the best single place for information. It saddens me when someone criticizes Noonsite for poor information.

    Judy and I have sold BeBe and no longer cruising, but we will pay for this service as a way of paying back for your help during our 11 years of circling the world.

    Bill & Judy
    Formerly s/v BeBe

    Anyway continued good luck.

    1. March 18, 2022 at 12:31 PM
      profile photo
      Sue Richards says:

      Thank you Bill and Judy for this positive comment. We made a good team during those 11 years and we still have all the wonderful reports you shared with Noonsite, live on the site, as you circumnavigated. We fretted over making this survival decision, but I believe the majority of users want to help the site, and hopefully these new features will enable them to simply and cheaply do just that. We continue to work as hard as we can to improve Noonsite, thanks so much for giving back.

  6. March 7, 2022 at 11:22 PM
    ingeatsvya says:

    Dear Sue,

    thank you for all your work in establishing this possibility to financially contribute to Noonsite to show our appreciation.
    I just went through it and it is extremely easy to become a member, well done!:)
    Hoping lots of members will join,

    kindest regards, Inge (sv Ya, currently on a mooring at lovely St. Laurent du Maroni, French Guyana)

    1. March 8, 2022 at 10:31 PM
      profile photo
      Sue Richards says:

      Thanks Inge for your feedback and for becoming a paid member!

  7. February 28, 2022 at 12:45 PM
    hero says:

    Your new tiered pricing scheme has no value because your Covid updates are so old. We are heading to St Lucia in March 2022 and your most recent data is from August 2021(and even that information does us no good).
    SV Hero

    1. February 28, 2022 at 3:56 PM
      profile photo
      sue-richards says:

      Hello Jim, our St. Lucia COVID protocols and in fact all the Formalities were last updated in January this year and are still accurate. I am confused as to why you are seeing information from last August. We appreciate your feedback and I have emailed you personally to see if we can get to the bottom of this.

  8. February 26, 2022 at 1:38 PM
    lyric says:

    The sign up button for the paid levels should be a big EASY button. This should be intuitive. There is an entire billion dollar software industry called DX (digital experience) around improving a user’s experience on a digital property. Signing up to buy something should be extremely easy.

    1. February 28, 2022 at 3:54 PM
      profile photo
      sue-richards says:

      Hello Tom, I am sorry you find our subscribe buttons at the bottom of each membership level too small. We have tried to make the sign up process as easy as possible – see – in as few a steps as necessary. We are working on placing a sign-up button on the top bar of the site giving easy access from every page.

  9. February 24, 2022 at 11:23 PM
    elyse says:

    The Premium Package says : Offline access to up to 10 ports per month including country formalities
    But the Download picture shows 4 out of 20 monthly download limit.
    Is it 10 or 20?
    One assumes the offline access means downloading the information as files?
    Are the ports tied to the Country Formalities or can one access a country’s formalities and a port in a different country? or is it 10 (or 20) ports and that port’s country formalities?
    Are there any other limits/restrictions to the offline access?
    Thanks for the clarification
    SV Elyse

    1. February 28, 2022 at 3:35 PM
      profile photo
      sue-richards says:

      Hi Alan, as stated in the new features press release, Premium Membership gives accesss to up to 10 ports (not 20). My apologies that the image was misleading – to avoid any further confusion I have removed it. If you read our FAQs – – this should answer all your questions about Premium, but if it doesn’t please do ask again.