NOAA: Hydrographic Services Review Panel Call for Nominations

Nominations are now open for the NOAA Hydrographic Services Review Panel 2023 Federal Advisory Committee and any interested cruisers can submit an application if they want to provide a voice for the cruising community and recreational boaters.

Published 3 years ago

The NOAA Hydrographic Services Review Panel (HSRP) announces the 2023 Call for Nominations which it hopes will identify a pool of very well qualified candidates who may be interested in joining the panel.

The panel is a Federal Advisory Committee that advises the NOAA Administrator on operations and research issues related to navigation, hydrographic surveying, nautical charts, tides and currents, geodetic and geospatial data and measurements, Arctic priorities and coastal data and resilience.

Applicants should have expertise in marine navigation, port administration, maritime shipping or other intermodal transportation industries, cartography and geographic information systems, geodesy, geospatial data, physical oceanography, coastal resource management, including coastal resilience and emergency response, or other science-related fields.

Joan Conover from Seven Seas Cruising Association told Noonsite that the Call for Nominations represented a great opportunity for qualified candidates to represent the cruising community and recreational boaters on the panel.

“A non-USA citizen can apply, the only stipulation is they need to be in USA for the twice a year sessions which take place in the eastern USA.   We will be promoting this to our community and forums in the hope that NOAA will get a good selection of candidates,” said Joan.

Due date and requirements:

  • Nominations are due via email no later than April 15, 2022,
  • Are limited to eight pages,
  • Require a cover letter with response to five questions,and
  • A short bio and a resume as noted in the Federal Register Notice. 

While nominations are due on April 15, anyone interested is strongly encouraged to submit early. There is a rolling admission. If you miss the April 15 deadline, your nomination will be kept on file for future HSRP panel openings.  Appointments to the panel are for a four year term.

NOAA HSRP Nomination Information – Federal Register Notice & FAQs

For background on the HSRP panel and NOAA’s National Ocean Service navigation observations and positioning programs, data and information, please visit the links below.

NOAA HSRP background information

NOAA’s National Ocean Service navigation service programs, data and information

You can also request to be added to the announcements for the next HSRP public meeting.

Meeting information is here.
For further information, questions or to ask for a briefing, contact:

Lynne Mersfelder-Lewis

Program Manager, Hydrographic Services Review Panel, Federal Advisory Committee

Office of Coast Survey, National Ocean Service, NOAA, N/CS

Phone: 240-533-0064; cell 240-691-6106; 


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