New Caledonia: France Imposes a State of Emergency Following Deadly Riots

France has imposed a state of emergency in the French Pacific territory of New Caledonia for at least 12 days and boosted security forces’ powers to quell deadly unrest in the archipelago, where indigenous people have long sought independence.

Published 5 months ago

Armed clashes and other violence that erupted on Monday May 13, following protests over voting reforms, have left four people dead including a gendarme and injured more than 300 people, according to French authorities.

The protests which were initially over proposals to grant French residents who have lived in the territory for 10 years voting rights in the province, first erupted into violence on Monday night.

French military forces were being deployed to protect ports and airports to free up police and security forces battling looting, arson and other violence, Prime Minister Gabriel Attal announced, as the emergency measures began in New Caledonia.

Cruisers Face Difficult Situation

New Zealand sailor Viki Moore, who is Rally Director for Island Cruising NZ and Downunder Rally and the Ocean Cruising Club’s Regional Rear Commodore, was in New Caledonia last week and told Noonsite that the situation then “was simmering with lots of protests and flags, but all quite friendly.”

“Luckily my flight was booked for Monday (May 13) when things were just kicking off and getting nasty. The drive to the airport was very scary with burning roadblocks in the road that we had to drive around. I was very lucky to get out. My hotel was right in the middle of the area that is currently on fire. It is really bad,” Viki said.

Viki informed Noonsite that a number of rally boats were due to arrive in New Caledonia this weekend, but she was actively trying to encourage them to head to Vanuatu instead.

“Unfortunately, a few of them are low on fuel so they are assessing their options,” she said.

Clearance officials closed

“At the moment I am trying to help get a group of yachties out of Noumea – I’ve got two of my rally boats plus two others so far. They can’t clear out properly as the officials are all closed – so I am just in the process of trying to get permission for them to leave without clearance and enter Vanuatu without the right papers. I am not sure how that is going to go, but I am happy to assist anyone who wants help.”

Simon Currin from the Ocean Cruising Club said cruisers should stay on their boats in marinas and wait for further news.

Curfew Extended

In a press conference on Wednesday evening May 15, French High Commissioner Louis Le Franc said in the face of an escalating situation, the total number of law enforcement personnel deployed on the ground, mainly in Nouméa, was now about 1000 gendarmes, seven hundred police, as well as members of SWAT intervention groups from gendarmerie (GIGN) and police (RAID).

M. Le Franc said a dusk-to-dawn curfew had been extended for another 24 hours.

“People have to respect the curfew, not go to confrontations with weapons, not to burn businesses, shops, pharmacies, schools” he said.

Notice from Vanuatu Border Control:

With the ongoing civil unrest in New Caledonia, we have received increased interests from yatchies and industry partners-alike, who are choosing Vanuatu as their next port or choice.
⚠️ Please note that all vessels departing Noumea to Vanuatu , under these exceptional circumstances, must report to Port-Vila at this time, to seek clearance from the Vanuatu Border Control and Customs. All vessels complete the required documentations and submit the following :
✔️ Boat Registration
✔️ Previous Ports (before Noumea)
✔️ Photo of the Boat
✔️ Other boat related documents
All vessels must report to Port-Vila only, and not other ports. This is to ensure that you have completed the French border control formalities if you were not able to do so, prior to departing New-Caledonia.
We thank you for your understanding and we look forward to welcoming you to our shores.


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  1. May 26, 2024 at 5:24 PM
    profile photo
    Sue Richards says:

    Viki Moore – who runs the South Pacific Rally – recommends cruisers avoid New Caledonia for the forseeable future. Supplies including food and spare parts are hard to come and there are no commercial flights in and out of the country. Anyone concerned for cruising friends or relatives in New Caledonia should contact Viki [] or Noumea Yacht Services [] who are assisting cruisers where possible.