Indian Ocean & Southern Red Sea: High Risk Area to be Reduced

As of 1 May 2019, the coordinates of the High Risk Area in the Indian Ocean will be changed.

Published 6 years ago, updated 5 years ago

The long-standing group of international shipping associations plus the OCIMF (representing the global shipping and oil industry) have determined that the geographic boundaries of the ‘High Risk Area’ for piracy in the Indian Ocean should now be reduced.

The new coordinates of the High Risk Area as detailed on the industry organisations’ website are:

In the Southern Red Sea: Northern Limit: Latitude 15 o 00’N

In the Indian Ocean a line linking:

From the territorial waters off coast of east Africa at Latitude 05 o 00’S to 050 o 00’E

Then to positions:

Lat: 00o 00’ N

Long: 055 o 00’ E

Lat: 10o 00’ N

Long: 060 o 00’ E

Lat: 14o 00’ N

Long: 060o 00’ E

Then a bearing 310o to the territorial waters off the Arabian Peninsula.

This change will take effect on 1 May 2019

The industry associations will continue to monitor developments to the security situation and will adjust the HRA again if and when the situation warrants it.


As Reported By: (includes a useful map showing the reduction of the HRA over the years)

Noonsite has not independently verified this information.

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