Grenada: Great News on Visas

Yacht crews can now extend their stay in Grenada for up to 12 months.

Published 11 years ago, updated 6 years ago

Grenada Visas

In recognition of Grenada’s popularity as a long term ‘base’ for yachts, Grenada Immigration has changed its policy on extension of visas for yachting visitors.

A 3-month stay is now generally granted on arrival if requested, but this can subsequently be extended up to 12 months.

Once the 12 months period has been reached, there is now no requirement to leave and re-enter.  If Immigration is satisfied that the visitor has the means to leave should the need arise, and has not violated the terms of their visitor visa, they have the discretion to extend the visa for up to another 12 months if requested.  At this point, another 12-month stay can be requested.

MAYAG are in the process of getting an official press release together, but appreciate that up to date information is important so have permitted noonsite to announce this new ruling early.

Embarkation Tax

Another piece of information confirmed by MAYAG relating to embarkation tax.

Early in 2014, the embarkation tax will increase from EC$1 to EC$20.  This is paid on departure by yacht and is levied on each person aboard who is not ‘bone fida’ crew – passengers and those not involved in the operation of the yacht.  Typically this will not be levied on a cruising ‘couple’ running their yacht but may be on any additional people on board at the discretion of the Immigration Officer.

Our thanks to Anita Sutton, President of MAYAG (the Marine & Yachting Association of Grenada) for sending us this information.

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