Greece: News From the CA on VAT Status and the Transit Log for UK Yachts

Good news at last for UK boats that were in Greek waters on 31 December, 2020. The Cruising Association confirm that Unlimited Transit Logs will be issued.

Published 4 years ago

Chris Robb of the Cruising Assocation UK has reported to Noonsite that there has now been clarification as to what Transit Log will be issued to UK Yachts in Greek waters.

An Unlimited Transit Log (UTL) will be issued to all UK VAT Paid yachts that were present in Greece on 31st December 2020.

This UTL will be retained on board the yacht when you leave Greek waters. On re-entry you will need to produce your UTL and stamp into Greece in the usual way, and your yacht will be in “free circulation”.

Some Marinas and Boatyards are offering to help apply for the Transit log to avoid queues in June.

For example, Leros Customs Office have asked the Leros Marinas to prepare as many Transit Log applications as possible, as they warn that leaving it to your return to Greece in June, may result in long queues as they only have 3 staff.

Most Marinas will have copies of Registration documents, but will need in addition a Copy of your Passport and Copy of your Proof of VAT payment. In addition they will want to see evidence that no refund has been made. As there is no such evidence in the UK, they will be happy with a solemn oath in Greek, which is a standard Greek process with documents on the Web.

UK Yachts entering Greek waters after 1st Jan 2021 will automatically get an 18 month Transit Log. To apply for a UTL, you will need to provide proof that you were in the EU on 31st December 2020 and that you have your proof of VAT payment as above.

The CA will still monitor the situation as the announcements from Customs are very different from the document published on the AADE Website on the 1st March 2021.

Find out more about the Cruising Association (CA) and how you can become a member at

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  1. May 23, 2021 at 10:37 PM
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    sue-richards says:

    News just in from the CA and confirmation that all UK Yachts anywhere in the EU waters on 31st December 2020, when arriving in Greece, DO NOT NEED TO GET A TRANSIT LOG (TL). Also there is a chance that other 3rd Country VAT paid yachts may also be able to avoid a TL – we are awaiting confirmation.