Greece, Ionian Islands: Caution if taking North Entrance to Lefkas Marina

Published 13 years ago, updated 6 years ago

The following communications between Thomas Bossard of SY Sarabella (Hanse 470) and Lefkas Marina show the importance of contacting the marina beforehand if intending to enter via the North entrance channel. Our thanks to Thomas for sharing this information with noonsite.

Sent: Saturday, January 28, 2012

Subject: Lefkas channel entrance ok?

Dear Marina Levkas,

We visited your marina in May 2010, or more accurately we tried to, as we hit an underground obstacle (concrete block?) in the Northern entrance channel which made us decide to sail around the island and try the Southern entrance channel.

Our sailing yacht has 2.60m draft and we were motoring at least 5-7m away from the buoys on the port side. We were lucky not to make water as our boat is very strong but had damage of over EUR 3000!! In all the information it says that this channel (even Eagle Ray) should have a depth of 3.50 meters. Is this entrance now ok and better dredged? Can I enter your marina from the North this year? I read horrible stories all the time!

Kind regards

Thomas Bossard

Sent: 30.01.2012

From: Lefkas Marina

Dear Mr. Bossard

We would like to thank you for your email.

Yes, indeed we are facing problems with the north entrance. At present they aren’t drenching the entrance but they are taking the sand away, so the entrance will be wider and deeper. Always it is wiser to pass the particular point by navigating close to the sand instead of steering on the middle of the entrance. The draft on the entrance exceeds the 3.60 meters mark, at certain coordinates.

Please do not hesitate to contact us by e-mail a couple of days prior to your entrance so we can advise you further in writing.

Any information given doesn’t supersede the pilot books, charts, maps, warnings and/or any other official note and/or navigational aids.

We are, always, willing to assist sailors, being or not clients of ours. During the summer months an average 10-15 yachts are passing the north entrance during each opening of the bridge from 09:00 till 15:00 hrs. At that hours we are obliged to assist our clients as well as running the marina on a daily basis.

Yours sincerely

Spiros Dallos



Thomas also offers this advice; “In case you hit something, don’t try to complain at the harbour master’s office. In 2010 I was told it could mean you’d have to lift your yacht out of the water at your own costs for checking the keel damage”.

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