Getting a Micronesia Cruising Permit – Latest Advice

Published 13 years ago, updated 6 years ago

Posted April 2011

f you are heading to Micronesia (FSM) and have applied for a cruising permit but not yet received it, be sure to have a paper copy of proof that you have applied for it.

Noel Lynam of SV Integrity, currently in Micronesia, reports that recently visiting cruisers ran into difficulties as they had no hard proof that a permit had been applied for.

In the first place, a copy of a faxed application form is ideal.

Our thanks to Noel for this reminder.


We just went through the process of getting the cruising permit for Micronesia and it was amazingly easy, professional!

Download the latest form at FSM Sea Vessel Entry Permit

Fill out the form, sign, scan. Add a crew list with passport numbers, issue date, expiry date, sign, and scan. Add a copy of the boat registration papers. Add copies of the passports.

Send all to

We had a response within a few hours, our permit is being worked on and we should have it issued in a few days. Easy, very professional!

Dirk Lison

Update received 14th September 2010 

from Noel Lynam

After having been in Micronesia for 2 years now ( Kosrae and Pohnpei), I would wait and praise the efficiency of the Immigration office once the cruiser actually has the cruising permit!!.

As the writer says the application is straightforward, but after seeing at least a dozen yachts coming through Kosrae, ourselves included, and then having to re-apply for the permit, I am a bit skeptical. It took us at least a month to get the permit after arriving and then 4 months to extend our permit once it expired in December.

We have only seen one yacht arrive in Kosrae with the permit. Everyone else had applied months in advance, but no permit was issued until they actually got to the FSM and then they have to reapply. I hope the individual gets his permit in advance, and if he does, he will be one of the very few lucky ones!!!!

Further note received from Dirk Lison on 15th September 2010

Well, we are one of the lucky ones then.

We got the permit, as promised, Monday.


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