FSM: Fees for Kosrae Increased Again

The increase in the fees for entering Kosrae have again been increased but at a much more modest level than that applied in 2013.

Published 10 years ago, updated 6 years ago

Following a dramatic increase in fees in January 2013 due to the appointment of a new Port Authority Manager, action has been taken to update the fee structure for visiting yachts. See report here for further details.


There are no fees for Customs or Immigration if inspections are done during normal business hours (08:30-17:00 Mon-Fri). Otherwise, overtime charges apply.

There is a $25 quarantine clearance fee for vessels less than 25 meters (85 feet) in length. The fee is paid at the time of the inspection and you will receive a receipt.

There is an entry fee of $3/foot

An anchorage fee of $30.00 for the first 24 hours, $10 for each additional 24 hours. If vessels anchor for less than 24 hours, then the fee is $15.00.

There is a dockage fee $50  for every entry into Kosrae ports.

Note that the Port Authority cannot change the fees and it is customary to pay the port fees when you check out at the end of your visit.

Check this Kosrae website for the latest information.

Kosrae Customs: wmongkeya@yahoo.com

Updated August 2014

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  1. January 12, 2019 at 1:40 AM
    Data Entry5 says:

    The day after I arrived, a Port Authority official went over the port charges in detail. Only the first 3 of a long list were to be charged, which for a 40 foot catamaran was $200, plus a daily fee of $15.52.

    Perhaps because I challenged these fees, upon leaving, only the first 2 were charged, for a total of ONLY $120, plus a daily fee of ONLY $10 per day. Their legislature is to vote soon to fix this ridiculous rate.

    So please contact Port Authority to find their fees before you go. However, they weren’t very good at answering emails. jessewilly8@gmail.com, wkinere@gmail.com, william_tosie@yahoo.com,