French Polynesia: Restrictions and Costs Increase for Cruisers

New restrictions on anchoring, increased fees for rubbish disposal and steep increases in costs for overnight stays – all causing concern to the sailing and cruising community in French Polynesia as reported by the Association of Sailboats in Polynesia (AVP).

Published 2 years ago

Olivier Meurzec, the AVP representative in Raiatea, said the situation in many places in French Polynesia was becoming of great concern to the yachting community.

“Many places are severely limiting anchoring numbers and others are seeing massive increases in the costs for overnight stays,” Olivier told Noonsite.

“The AVP is doing its utmost to participate in these discussions – not always successfully – and the disregard for the needs of the sailing community (a large contributor to the local economy) is of considerable concern to our community.

“The AVP has put out several press releases concerning Raivavae, Raiarapu West and Bora Bora.  These can be found on the AVP website, on the right hand side, under the  “actualites recentes – news” column.  I am adding some additional information below, from the media and from the authorities.

Taiarapu Ouest

See: New Rules on Anchorage Areas

This media piece indicates that some locals there want to severely restrict the number of anchorage/moorings spots for sailing boats and outright prohibit any anchorage near the teahupoo site of the 2024 Olympic surf competition. No final decision has been made yet, but it is likely to be coming. See also the response from AVP on the website.


See:  Arrêté n° 2997 CM du 23_12_2021

This piece is final and acceptable to us, as it allows anchoring in a sufficient number of spots. However, there is a 72 hour restriction.

Bora Bora:

An anchoring fee of 4000 francs/night has been implemented and it seems the mayor does  NOT want sailboats in the lagoon. A small area remains allowed for anchoring on the South Western side of the lagoon (past the hotels) with a maximum 72 hour restriction also. See the AVP statement on the matter.


There is a new regulation prohibiting any garbage to be deposited anywhere! All garbage collection points will be locked. Discussions are on-going between sailing associations (APA, AVP and others) and authorities to find a solution. At this point, the authorities demand that sailors go to the garbage collection point (PK14 in Raiatea West) to pay 9000 francs prior to being allowed to dispose of their garbage. This applies to all, not just sailors, so clearly something will have to give. AVP are trying to work with the relevant department to find a solution.

Some progress on the part of the sailing associations means that used oil and old batteries can now be deposited at the ComCom, PK 14 Raiatea west (private persons only, not companies) at no cost. Just report at the office on the first floor of the building prior to depositing.


Discussions are underway to regulate anchoring and moorings in the common lagoon. Some moorings have already been set up on the north-eastern side of Raiatea. This will also be limited to 72 hours in most places. No final decision has been made yet.


Only boats less than 20m in length are now allowed in the lagoon.

Information from Olivier Meurzec
AVP representative, Raiatea


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