Fiji, Yasawa Islands: Protecting an Ecologically Important Manta Ray Habitat.

The Yasawa Island Chain in the north western waters of Fiji is one of the country’s most popular cruising destinations, but visiting yachts are being asked to be careful around a critical and ecologically important Manta Ray habitat site.

Published 2 months ago

Yachts asked to Avoid Drawaqa Channel

Giant Manta Rays frequent the natural channel between between Drawaqa Island and Naviti Island in Fiji’s northern Yasawa Islands during the months of May to October, offering incredible snorkeling and diving experiences.  The channel funnels strong nutrient rich currents through these waters which is a favourite feeding ground for migrating Pacific Manta Rays during these months.

It is in this area that Manta Project Fiji runs a research and conservation project focused on mantas and mobula rays. However, due to a number of recent incidents in the area involving visiting yachts, researcher Rob Macfarlane says cruisers need to be take extra care when sailing or intending to snorkel or dive in this critical Manta Ray habitat site.

“Recently we have had some incidents where sailing boats have attempted to cross through this channel, which has unfortunately damaged the corals here,” he said.

Drawaqa Channel Location – Google Maps

“The Drawaga Channel is is not a suitable crossing for boats on any tide and we are attempting to contact the suppliers of navigational charts to have this indicated on charts for this area.

“We are also seeing people from sail boats visiting the site and disrupting natural manta behaviour by splashing, chasing and even touching mantas.  Any boats that are looking to come this way should be aware of the ecological importance of the site and ensure their behaviour is appropriate.

“While there are currently no legal restrictions in the area, it is likely that Ministry of Tourism will start to regulate operators and award licenses to use the site.

“It would be really beneficial for visitors to the area to understand best practices to snorkel with manta rays at the site. Our project is an affiliate of Manta Trust, so we have plenty of materials available for ‘do’s and don’ts’ when it comes to swimming with mantas. Having everyone follow the Manta Trust best practices as closely as possible will be hugely significant for the future of mantas continuing to visit the channel.”

Image from Fiji Tourism website.

How to Swim with Manta Rays

By following this Tourism Code of Conduct, you will avoid disturbing the mantas you encounter. At the same time you will increase your chance of having a life-changing experience with these gentle giants.

To watch a film version of this guide, and learn more about sustainable manta tourism, visit:


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