Fiji: Cruising here has just been made easier

Published 12 years ago, updated 6 years ago

Our thanks to David Caukill of SY Serendipity for passing on this news.

As from 14/06/2012, it is no longer necessary to clear in and out of each Customs region visited, (Suva: Levuka: Savusavu: Lautoka: Lau Group: Rotuma:). Public Circular 2/2102 (14/6/12) now provides for yachts to clear out of the port of entry with a permit to cruise all Fijian coastal waters within the bounds of their cruising permit.

Since, these days, the Cruising Permit now automatically includes the Lau Islands, you are then free to cruise as you like until it is time to leave Fiji. You must do that from one of the ports of entry.

There is a requirement to report your position and current cruising plans once a week. This can easily be done by email, fax or phone.

It is good news for cruisers that this Circular is finally being implemented in practice, in all the regional offices, and will save on the mountains of paperwork that previously was required.



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