EU: Cruising Association Hosts Brexit Seminar

The Cruising Association hosted a Brexit Webinar for members on Saturday 22 January 2022, which is now published for public viewing amongst the wider cruising community.

Published 3 years ago

The Brexit Webinar was a follow-up to the first CA webinar held in December 2020, and addressed the key issues which continue to impact sail and motor cruisers as a consequence of the UK leaving the EU.

“The Cruising Association’s role is to empower our members with ‘know how’, by sharing comprehensive and reliable information,” commented Derek Lumb, President of the Cruising Association.

Significant Changes Presented

“The CA’s Regulations and Technical Services group (RATS) continues to be at the forefront of lobbying on behalf of the cruising community to mitigate the impact of the UK leaving the EU, and there have been some significant changes in the past year which were presented in the webinar.”

Cruising Association members from Austria, France, Greece, Jersey, Kenya, Portugal, Spain and the UK tuned in to the live webinar, together with invited media, to hear and discuss the latest updates on:

  • People issues – including Schengen immigration and the 90/180 day visa rules
  • VAT issues – the latest on EU and UK VAT and the changes to Returned Goods Relief
  • Recreational Craft Directive/Recreational Craft Rules – compliance and how it will affect you
  • Q&A session – responding to submitted and live questions from members

The panel of RATS experts – Robin Baron, Roger Bickerstaff, Nick Bullen, Mike Eastman and Simon Hampton-Matthews – addressed the main issues which impact those who want to go cruising in Europe and discussed solutions. The webinar shared insightful talks, illustrated with slide presentations and case studies.

Significant Movement by UK Authorities

“Cruising Association members are part of a multi-partner campaign effort,” continued Derek Lumb. “The good news is that whilst there are technicalities to follow, there has been significant movement by the UK authorities.

“We are extremely grateful to our experts on the Regulations and Technical Services group (RATS) who are all CA members and active cruising sailors with first-hand experience of the issues. They work rigorously to support the cruising community in enjoying their freedoms.”

Webinar Available Publicly

The Cruising Association is delighted to now share the webinar publicly, excluding the Q&A segment which attracted around 70 questions and is available exclusively on the CA members’ version.

Both the recording including the slide presentation, and the slide presentation as a separate document are available to download from the following links:

• Public Webinar recording
• Slide presentation


Any advice has been prepared by the Cruising Association, its members and others and they and it have tried to ensure that the contents are accurate. However, the Cruising Association, its employees, contributors and relevant members shall not be liable for any loss, damage or inconvenience of any kind howsoever arising in connection with the use of such advice, save to the extent required by applicable law.

It should be noted that the recording of the webinar and PDF of presentation slides must be viewed and read in conjunction with the Disclaimer below, and on the understanding that it is based on information available at the time of broadcast on 22 January 2022. As such, any of the detail provided may be superseded at any time and the video or PDF of the slide presentation will remain as at the time of presentation and not be updated to reflect any subsequent changes.

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The opinions expressed in this article are the author’s own and do not reflect the view of or World Cruising Club.

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