Ecuador: Autografo Now Required for the Mainland

Entrance requirements for mainland Ecuador have recently changed with an increase in clearance costs for foreign sailboats. An Autografo is now a mandatory requirement which gives permission to enter Ecuadorian ports.

Published 12 months ago

Mainland Ecuador now requires that all foreign flagged vessels entering Ecuadorian Waters have an Autografo (permission to enter all ports), for which there is a cost, plus, an agent is needed to secure one.

curved bay with a heavily populated beach backed with high rise white tower blocks
Salinas beach in Ecuador – taken by Christine Myers

Prior laws allowed vessels under 50 tons to be processed by the ship’s captain directly with the Port Captain, however, that has now changed. If you arrive at an Ecuadorian port without an Autografo you face the possibility of being refused entry.

If coming from the Galapagos (i.e. already checked into Ecuador), you do not need an Autografo for the mainland, however, the mainland Autografo is not valid for going to the Galapagos.

The cost for the Autografo is in the region of $300.

Processing time for the Autografo is at least 3 weeks, so applications need to be made well in advance of arrival.

For full details of the new requirements see:


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