Dominican Republic check-in: Customs now a requirement

Previously Customs Agents in the DR handled only commercial ships, however, it is now a requirement for all visiting private pleasure craft to visit Customs on arrival.

Published 11 years ago, updated 5 years ago

Our thanks to Frank Virgintino, author of Free Cruising Guides, for this information.

All the ports of entry for the Dominican Republic have now added Customs to the check-in requirements of private pleasure boats.  Prior to this ruling, customs agents handled only commercial ships.

The requirement for Customs is at no extra cost to the pleasure boat in question.

The group of officials, therefore, that foreign yachts arriving in the DR must visit include:

  • Immigration for the Visa
  • Coast Guard for papers from the prior harbor and despacho to next harbor
  • Department of Drug enforcement to check for illegal drugs
  • M-2 which is Intelligence and who goes along with the drug inspection officer
  • and now Customs.

Also, be aware that delays may occur during clearance as the vigilance against drug runners has increased. All harbors in the DR are on heightened alert which can at times cause a short delay.

For further information and fees for clearing into the DR see the DR noonsite formalities page.

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