Couple’s Tragic Accident – Correction To Previous News Item

Published 16 years ago, updated 5 years ago

Following Noonsite’s report on May 18th of a tragic accident involving a British couple on their yacht Deja Vu, Glynn Craig, who was sailing on the yacht with her husband, has contacted Noonsite to inform us of the correct version of events.

We had reported that her husband Colin Craig was struck on the head and killed by a broken boom.

Glynn Craig writes:

“This article is in fact incorrect. I am Glynn Craig, and Deja Vu is my and my husband’s yacht. He was not hit on the head by a broken boom. We were preparing to gybe when the strop holding the mainsheet block at the end of the boom parted, resulting in the boom coming across further than expected – the mainsheet line hooked into and broke the sun awning. We presume that the stainless steel bars of the awning hit Colin in the mouth and then the boom must have caught him a glancing blow on the temple/head. He fell into the cockpit area and could not be revived.

I have posted this correction to your article as it was just a freak accident when the strop parted allowing the boom to swing across the full width of the yacht. The mainsheet block, line, car and track were all undamaged and were re-attached directly to the boom using a shackle. There was no damage to the yacht or boom and the boat has returned to Gladstone.”

Rough seas hampered the rescue mission, and Mrs Craig was taken off the yacht by helicopter some hours after she sent a distress signal. The accident happened early morning on Saturday, May 17 about 150km east of Fraser Island off the Australian coast.

On behalf of everyone at Noonsite, I’d like to extend our condolences to Glynn Craig.

Doina Cornell


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