Caribbean: SSCA to Report Safety & Security Matters

The SSCA and the CSSN partner to relay CSSN News & Reports on “KPK” – the SSB voice service from The Seven Seas Cruising Association.

Published 9 years ago, updated 6 years ago

The SSCA -The Seven Seas Cruising Association has just announced a new SSB service available to all cruisers – “KPK” (Kilo Papa Kilo). The SSCA Radio Service stands by 8104 0700 hrs Daylight Savings Time OR Eastern Standard Time, depending on the season. So it is 1100 hrs UTC in the summer and 1200 hrs UTC in the winter.

Purpose: According to Glenn Tuttle, SSCA VP and Amateur Radio enthusiast, “The purpose of this service is to pass emergency and priority traffic, as well as any traffic related to safety and security matters, and to provide any vessels needing assistance with land-based resources.”

Partnership: The SSCA will partner with CSSN so that any voice reports of a safety & security nature occurring in the Caribbean will be provided to the Caribbean Safety & Security Net. Likewise, when CSSN posts an alert involving a safety & security matter in the Caribbean, it will be announced at the beginning of the broadcast when the antenna is pointed toward the Caribbean. Kim White, CSSN Executive Editor and Coordinator said, “CSSN is providing its full resources via special links and search tools to “KPK” so all information is available to Glenn with just a click or two. This includes the Online Incident Reporting link and instant access to the CSSN database which holds almost 10 years of incident reports of crime against yachts in the Caribbean.” Glenn goes on to say, ““KPK” can assist with radio checks, float plans, telephone contact with family & friends, boat to boat relays, access to medical or mechanical professionals, marinas, internet searches, or any other assistance that I may be able to provide.”

Schedule: 1215 hours UTC (0715 EST or 0815 AST) on SSB frequency 8.104, in the Caribbean, immediately following the Coconut Telegraph Net.

License: The SSCA has obtained a Public Coast License from the FCC allowing them to broadcast on the marine SSB frequencies from a land station. SSCA VP and Amateur Radio enthusiast Glenn Tuttle will be operating The SSCA Radio Station “KPK” from a land-based station in Florida.

Coverage: Although the service is primarily intended to provide land-based resources and assistance to vessels in the Caribbean and out Islands of the Bahamas, all vessels are welcome to contact the Station. Glenn emphasized, ”I have a very good signal south into Panama, and north to Nova Scotia, so all vessels are welcome. You do not have to be a member of the SSCA to utilize this service.”

The SSCA is proud to work with the CSSN via our radio station “KPK” to benefit the entire cruising community.

See the KPK Noonsite Listing for the latest information about this service.

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