Caribbean Safety & Security Net announces new Event category: Suspicious activity

CSSN took recent critiques of a post that had been classified as “attempted piracy” to heart and went to work exploring alternatives and then testing them with a group of users.

Published 6 years ago

Based on all the feedback CSSN received and balanced by the technical capabilities of their website, they have made some changes and now added the category “Suspicious activity – threatening or potentially dangerous activity by others” to the main events menu for use by those making reports going forward.

Users made it quite clear that they want CSSN to collect, vet and report about suspicious activities that do not meet the threshold of attempted piracy, and that these events should be properly classified and labeled plainly. To accomplish this CSSN will consider carefully and evaluate each report, and validate/assign the event type category considering the constellation of factors that combine uniquely in each situation. CSSN will then publish in accordance with their established processes.

Further, it was also made clear that users not only want the information, they want to see it on CSSN’s very popular and easy to use interactive maps, but in a way that differentiates suspicious activity from other piracy events.

To that end, users can now see Suspicious activity events on the dedicated piracy (and all other interactive maps) but designated by the color yellow marker to make it easier to identify this subset on the spectrum of piracy activity and facilitate risk assessment and planning.

Additionally, CSSN  reviewed all of the previously classified Attempted piracy events and decided to re-categorize 2 of them. The recent event off Trinidad that brought this issue to the forefront, and one older event from 2017, also of Trinidad. CSSN has updated these records event type and in accordance with their new category, they now appear as yellow markers on the maps, making them easy to identify and distinguish.

CSSN’s mission and values remain unchanged – CSSN informs, captains decide.

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