Caribbean, Dominica: How you can help – updated

Following the devastation wreaked by TS Erika, the Islanders need urgent help to get repairs effected and get back on their feet. Dominica will need all the support it can get this coming sailing season from Cruisers who love the island and know what a wonderful place it is to visit.

Published 9 years ago, updated 5 years ago

September 14th, 2015: Update

The people in Dominica still need urgent supplies, such as diapers, baby formula, baby bottles, bottled water, nonperishable food, dry food, school supplies, battery operated lamps, batteries and personal hygiene goods.

Clothes and shoes are not needed at this time.

Please remember to notify the Dominica Marine Association before entering port (Roseau or Portsmouth) so all Customs duties can be waived once you arrive (see below for details).

September 9th, 2015: Update

Whilst the weather this week for boats wanting to head from Grenada to Dominica is not great, with squally waves and whatever remains of Grace beginning to impact Dominica Thursday night through Friday, the weekend looks to provide favourable winds.

So far yachts from Antigua, St. Maarten, Guadeloupe, Martinique and St. Lucia have arrived in Dominica with aid and the cruising community is really pulling together to coordinate assistance where needed.

Anyone planning on going to Dominica to help should be sure to send an inventory in advance of aid goods on board and who the items are for/agency. Send to, Hubert Winston, who can provide Customs waivers.

September 1st, 2015: This message from Hubert Winston, of the Dominica Marine Association

On August 27th, 2015, the Commonwealth of Dominica, a small island of only 289 square miles in the Caribbean, was hit by Tropical Storm Erika, resulting in widespread catastrophic damage and death.

Twenty people are confirmed dead and others are still missing. Damage to homes and local businesses has left hundreds homeless and many without a means of income. Many major bridges were destroyed and the roadways have been rendered impassible.  Access to essential services including communications, electricity and clean water has been severely disrupted.

To compound matters, the main airport on the island was severely damaged, keeping much-needed relief supplies from getting to those who so desperately need relief.

Dominica Marine Association is appealing to the international marine and yachting communities to assist us in any way possible.  For yachts interested in bringing in supplies such as diapers, baby formula, baby bottles, bottled water, nonperishable food, dry food, school supplies, battery operated lamps, batteries, personal hygiene goods, and more, please notify the Dominica Marine Association before entering port (Roseau or Portsmouth) so all Custom duties would be waived once you arrive.

Those of you that rather send in monetary donations could do so from the Crowdfund link below:

All proceeds from this fund-raiser will go directly to the Dominica Red Cross, the Dominica Marine Association water taxi efforts, and to the office of Disaster Management.

We would be grateful if you can find it in your heart to assist us in this great time of need.

Yours respectfully,

Hubert Winston


Dominica Marine Association

Petite Savanne has now been declared a special disaster area. [Broken Link]

The Dominica Cruisers Facebook Group is a good source of up to date information for any cruisers heading to Dominica.

The latest news on the current situation in Dominica and who is helping can be found at

From Women Who Sail Facebook Group

If you are in the Grenada – St. Georges/ PLM area, there is a CONTAINER leaving Grenada for DOMINICA this WEDNESDAY.

A convenient place to leave your donations is with Carol Vazquez at Garp Grenada (next door to Foodland) on Kirani James Blvd.

GARP phone number: 435-9857

Thank you!

Also, other donations after Wednesday can be left with Garp (please label them CRUISER DONATIONS FOR DOMINICA) & we will get them to the yachts that are heading up there.

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