Caribbean, Bequia, Admiralty Bay: Spate of Burglaries – Update

Published 13 years ago, updated 5 years ago


As reported in the December issue of Caribbean Compass

20 November 2011

Steps were taken against yacht burglaries in Bequia

Following a rash of burglaries from yachts visiting Admiralty Bay, Bequia, in late October and early November, as this issue of Compass goes to press there has been one relevant arrest and conviction with a six-month jail sentence reported, and the St. Vincent & the Grenadines Coast Guard has begun nocturnal patrols within the bay. In addition, police patrols including the Rapid Response Unit have been stepped up around the shoreline and adjacent beaches.

A meeting to discuss the problem was held on November 4th and included the St. Vincent & the Grenadines Minister of Tourism, the Police Commissioner, the Parliamentary Representative for the Northern Grenadines, the Chairman of the SVG Tourism Authority, the Chairman of the Bequia Tourism Association, the Harbormaster, representatives of the Coast Guard and Port Authority, and both the Director and Deputy Director of Grenadines Affairs, along with an exceptionally large crowd of stakeholders. At the meeting, a citizens’ committee made up of tourism stakeholders was established to liaise with the police on crimes against visitors.

Some of the thefts were from boats that were left unlocked while unattended. Sailors are reminded to always “lock it or lose it”, and to secure even small ports that can be reached through to grab items such as iPods, cellphones, and cameras. It is also suggested that yachts not anchor within easy swimming distance of Princess Margaret Beach or the abandoned Plantation House Hotel.

As reported by the Caribbean Safety & Security Net

11 November 2011

Between six and eleven yachts have been boarded in the period 22 October to 5 November 2011 in Admiralty Bay, Bequia.

Some of these incidents are thefts in that the boats have not been locked. Others have been burglaries, involving breaking in. It appears that all have occurred during the dinner hour, presumably while the crews have been off to shore or to another yacht for dinner and/or drinks.

There has been at least one meeting among officials concerning this situation and there also is local coverage in the newspapers. Thus far, the Caribbean Safety and Security Net have received no word of what is being done to address the situation and to protect the visiting yachts.

There may be a duplication of reports in these numbers, as dates and names of boats or owners are not easily available. If anyone has specific details concerning any of these incidents, please contact the Security Net [Broken Link].

Until there is evidence that someone is arrested OR that security patrols by the police and/or coast guard are routinely taking place in Admiralty Bay, the Caribbean Safety and Security Net urge all yachts to stay onboard after dark. Locking up during the day when leaving the boat is always the appropriate precaution.

See incidents in Bequia that have been reported to noonsite recently here

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