Canary Islands, Las Palmas: Temporary Anchorage Space Created for Visiting Yachts

Due to the popularity of Las Palmas in the Canary Islands as a departure point for boats undertaking an Atlantic Crossing, the Port Authority has created a temporary anchorage area exclusively for small craft that will be in place for one month from October 25 to November 25, 2024.

Published 2 days ago

Source:  Puertos de Las Palmas

Temporary Anchorage Area Available for One Month

Announcing the temporary anchorage area, Port Authority of Las Palmas Director Francisco Javier Trujillo Ramírez said that due to the large number of vessels participating in the international regatta “ARC” and the congestion of the moorings for some Smaller Vessels, the Port Authority, in their role regarding the organization of the port public domain, understands there is a need for temporary designated anchorage areas exclusively for Small Craft.

“The temporary anchorage areas will be available from 25 October to 25 November. The 1st temporary anchorage area shall be used first. When the 1st is full, then the 2nd temporary anchorage area will also be available. When the 1st and 2nd are full, the 3rd space will be available. The limits of the temporary anchorage areas are shown with a magenta line on the charts in the attached document.

“However, any boats anchoring in the port area outside the temporary area will invite action by the Port of Las Palmas under the legislation 306 del Real Decreto Legislavo 02/2011 por el que se aprueba el Texto Refundido de la Ley de Puertos del Estado y La Marina Mercante.”

Iván Suárez Martín, Head of Maritime Operations for the Port of Las Palmas also wanted to remind vessels using the temporary anchorages that they must have the main engine operational, crew on board and the lights and markings indicated by international regulations to prevent collisions at sea during their stay at anchor.

ARC Rally Boats leaving Las Palmas. (c) World Cruising Club

Welcome Support from Port of Las Palmas

Paul Tetlow, Managing Director of World Cruising Club – which has two rallies (ARC and ARC+) leaving Las Palmas in November – expressed gratitude to the Port of Las Palmas for making such provisions. “The announcement demonstrates huge support from the Port of Las Palmas to accommodate ALL cruisers who wish to be in Las Palmas at such a busy time.”


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