British Virgin Islands: Harbour Charges Now Cancelled

The recently introduced harbor charges, which have been causing confusion, have now been abandoned.

Published 9 years ago, updated 6 years ago

Recently confusion has been caused in the BVI with some cruisers being charged a fee of $1/foot/day and other not.

On the 9th February 2015 the following notice was posted on the BVI Tourism site:-

Monday, February 9 – The BVI Ports Authority (BVIPA) is informing the public that the harbor charges recently introduced for vessels entering and remaining in ‘territorial waters’ have been postponed subject to further consultation with the industry stakeholders.

For the full confusing text see

On the 16th April a further statement was released by the Premier’s Office:-

“The Government of the Virgin Islands is informing the public that the recently introduced harbor charges for all charter vessels entering and remaining in the BVI ‘territorial waters’ has been discontinued until further notice.”


Nadia James-Harris

Information Officer II

Premier’s Office

Telephone: 468-3701 ext. 2076


This latest statement seems to clarify the situation. So now no visiting cruisers should be asked to pay harbor charges.

Val Ellis (The Noonsite Team)

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