Breaking News: Greek Cruising Tax update – no payments until April 2019

Fortunately, pressure from the yachting community over the last few days has meant a new ministerial decision suspending the implementation of the Greek Cruising Tax until 2 April, 2019.

Published 6 years ago

Update 24 November, 2018

Temporary relief for international cruisers with their yachts in Greek waters.

The Gazette Number of the new ministerial decision is FEK 5263/23.11.2018

This amended decision postpones the new tax’s entry into force until  April 2, 2019, in order for the taxpayers to be able to make their payments via the electronic system (e-TEPAH) which will not be ready until then.

The CA are attempting to clarify how this e-tax will work and what transitional arrangements will apply to those boat owners who are not back in Greece by April.

The CA are working towards publishing a full guide on how to live with this new tax.

See the CA’s press release 25 November, 2018: Greek Cruising Tax Delayed – thanks to the CA

Posted 20 November, 2018

Breaking News: Greek Cruising Tax to begin in 6 days!

After years of uncertainty about this possible new cruising tax (the TEPAH), it was swiftly enacted and gazetted on Friday 16th November. The law states that all payments for yachts in Greek waters must be paid for within 10 days from the date of the announcement on the 26th November 2018.

Many yacht skippers who have their boats currently in Greek waters (the majority now back in their home country for the Winter) will be reeling following this announcement, uncertain of what to do next. How is this tax to be paid? Do I still have to pay if my boat is currently not being used? And many more questions.

Fortunately, the UK Cruising Association (CA), who not only represent all their members but all international yachtsmen with their boats in Greece, are in communication with the Greek Finance Ministry addressing all the issues raised with the sudden enactment of this new tax.

See below extracts from the Google translation of this new law, and below that the summary of Issues by the CA.


Payment of TEPAH for pleasure boats and business day cruises that were in Greek territorial waters on 16 November 2018.

According to paragraph 8 of the Thirteenth Article of Law 4211/2013, TEPAH is required for the stay in the Greek territory of recreational vessels and professional tourist days from the adoption of the above mentioned joint ministerial decision.

The terms used to apply the above provisions have the following meaning:

a. pleasure boat: is any vessel exceeding seven (7) meters in length sailing or motorized, which may be used for recreational purposes by its general construction;

b. professional pleasure boat: is the recreational craft of up to forty-nine (49) passengers for which a full charter contract is concluded;

c. private pleasure boat: is a recreational craft which is not a professional boat, in accordance with the provisions of paragraph b of this paragraph;

d. a professional tourist day boat: is the small craft or pleasure craft or the passenger tourist boat, which is in accordance with the provisions of Article 12 of Law 4256/2014, as well as, irrespective of the flag, for a trip of duration of up to twenty-four (24) hours, exclusively for the purpose of sea recreation and passenger navigation through a predetermined program, taking in passengers from the rest of the world independently whether will land permanently in Greece or take passengers from Greece on the condition that they will land permanently in Greece or abroad or undertake a daily sea voyage trip to Greece. Greece having received its passengers from abroad and in order to complete their voyage (permanent disembarkation of passengers) abroad;

e. A traditional ship is a prototype and each individual model of a historic ship in which there are elements of Greek civilization, as well as traditional Greek navigation, naval art and naval craftsmanship since they have acquired cultural significance over time.

(paragraph 1 of Article 13 of Law 4211/2013).

The TEPAH is calculated per current year or current month from the payment date and is determined as follows:

  • for the total length of seven (7) to eight (8) meters, to sixteen (16) euros per month,
  • for the total length of more than eight (8) meters up to ten (10) meters, at twenty-five (25) euro per month
  • for the total length of more than ten (10) meters and up to twelve (12) meters, at thirty-three (33) euro per month,
  • for the total length of more than twelve (12) meters, per month eight (8) euro, per meter, calculated from the first measure

The charge is reduced by twenty-five per cent (25%) for professional pleasure boats and business day-boats, subject to exclusive business use.

(paragraph 3a of article 13 of Law 4211/2013).

From TEPAH (the burden of proof is borne by the person relying on it):

(a) decommissioned or seized vessels for the duration of their decommissioning or seizure;

(b) ships designated as “traditional” in accordance with the provisions of the Ministerial Decision Shipping and the Aegean 4200/08/15 / 14.1.2015Determination of the required supporting documents, as well as the more specific technical and detailed criteria for the designation of a professional or private pleasure boat as a traditional and any other related matter

(c) ships in immobility. In this case, the immobilisation refers to the period of time that the Nationality Document or the Vessel Running Permit has been deposited with the Port Authorities, at the request of the debtor for the payment of the TE.P.A.H. person or his legally authorized person and the relevant entry in the Book of Immigration of the relevant Port Authority. In order to remove the immobility, proof of payment of TEPAH is provided.

For the calculation of TEPAH account shall be taken of the total length of the vessel shown on the nationality document or certificate of airworthiness or in the certificate of measurement or in the permit to operate a voyage.

The current reductions, deductions from TEPAH, are defined in Art. 5 of POL. 1210/2018.

Persons liable for the payment of TEPAH are:

(a) In the case of professional recreational craft and business tourism days, the shipowner or shipowner or his legal representative.

(b) In the case of private pleasure craft, the owner or the owner or its user.

The TEPAH is paid for each month of stay in Greek territorial waters. The payment is made before the beginning of the month for which the fee is due and may also cover more than one month.

For recreational craft or business tourism vessels entering Greek territorial waters for the first time within the month, the fee shall be paid at the latest on the date of entry for the whole of the current month.

The fee may be paid in one instalment for the entire year. In this case, payment is made either in December of the previous year or in January of this year.

For the payment of TEPA. a payment code of the “e-Fee” revenue category of Art. 2 of Decision No. ΔΠΔΑ Α.Α.Δ.Ε. C 1107473 Ex 2017 / 13-07-2017 (Β ‘2435), which is provided by the electronic application «e-Tepai / TEPAI» of the AADE, which is available on the web portal www.aade .gr, at the request of the person liable for payment. Access to the application has certified and non-certified users of TAXISnet.

Only if an electronic payment code cannot be issued, the payment to TEPAH takes place at any tax office. or Port Authority or Customs Authority, by completing and submitting the FORM “Form for the calculation and payment of TEPAH v. 4211/2016“.

This FORM is used for the calculation and payment of TEPAH. The payment service records the information included in the submitted FORM in the e-TEAPI application.

According to Art. 9 “Transitional Provisions” of POL. 1210/2018:

“For the pleasure boats and professional tourist dayboats already in the Greek waters, on the date of application of this present law, the TEPAH shall be paid within ten (10) days from the date of this publication.”

The publication of the decision in the Official Gazette. (B ‘5170) took place on 16 November 2018.

For the pleasure boats and professional tourist dayboats already in Greek waters, on November 16, 2018, TE.P.A.H. shall be paid in due time until 26 November 2018.


Greek Cruising Tax – TEPAH

Summary of Main Issues communicated to the Ministry of Finance by the CA

The law on this was launched on 16th of November 2018.   It requires payment of the new Tax within 10 days of the announcement date; that is the 26th November 2018.

The Tax will be paid by login on to the website and registering under the TAXISnet – the Greek Tax system.  This is a Greek website in Greek.  However, Google provides a sufficient translation to enable you to enter your details.


You will need first to register.  I have tried this but it insists on having a VAT registration number, which of course I don’t have.

The following are the major issues noted so far relating to this tax

  • That vessel owners will have to pay from the 26th of November 2018 even though they are not using the boat, ie they will have to pay at least up till MAY when they start sailing and then monthly from there.  There does not appear to be an annual discount.
  • That the vessel owner will have to pay the whole of the Month of November even though it is the 26th of the month. (Minor issue)
  • That the vessel owner is in England or elsewhere in the world without any means of registering or paying.
  • That the vessel owner will only – as the law allows – want to pay for the months when he/she will be sailing the yacht in Greek Waters.
  • That the owner/user of the vessel has had no chance to put the vessel OUT OF USE as is required so as to avoid paying the tax.
  • That the Website for Payment is in Greek and we are not taxpayers in Greece, and do not speak or read Greek.
  • I have tried to register – but I cannot as it requires that I enter a VAT number. I got no further. – I am not a business and am not conducting any business so have no need of a VAT number.
  • What is the method of payment – Credit card? or what other methods that a UK Citizen who does not have a Greek bank account will be able to simply make a payment.
  • We have requested in the past that the payments should run from 30 days from the date of entry.  There are many reasons that this would be a sensible policy to follow.
  • Manual Payment of Tax.  We note that there is a provision for the Manual payment of tax when the owner has been unable to register online.  This is via the Port Police.  However, this is not much use to us if we are not in Greece.

The Law as it is written provides for the impounding of yachts and the imposition of significant fines.

Actions so far:

The Ministry of finance (deputy Finance minister)  has been emailed to make them aware of our worries – we await a response.

Christopher Robb – CA

Stand by for further news on this Greek Cruising Tax from the CA.

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  1. December 11, 2018 at 6:56 AM
    Data Entry5 says:

    tax have to be paid only for a period of using your baby IN the water.

  2. December 11, 2018 at 6:56 AM
    Data Entry5 says:

    as per info from local authorities – no need to worry if your boat on shore storage (transit Log presented to customs, local Port Police advised), tax can be paid exactly before start of using.