Belgium: UK boater fined for red diesel

Published 8 years ago, updated 6 years ago

A U.K. yachtsman was fined for having remnants of red diesel in the fuel tanks of his privately owned vessel.

As reported by Practical Boat Owner Magazine.

Whilst checking into the country, Belgian customs found traces of red diesel in a yacht’s fuel tank from a previous fuel stop in the U.K. and find the owner €500.

It is still legal to use red-dyed diesel fuel in U.K. to propel pleasure craft, but some European authorities have begun stepping up enforcement of the non-taxed diesel.

Read the entire report here.

An RYA spokesperson responded to the incident: “At present, we do not know whether this fine was an isolated incident or if it is a signal that the Belgian authorities are taking a tougher approach towards the UK flagged boats. In order to establish a fuller picture of the situation, we would urge anyone who is fined in Belgium for having red diesel in their tanks to email giving as much detail as possible.”


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