Australia Customs: Move to make pleasure craft reporting and clearance totally electronic

Australian Customs and Border Protection are going to introduce a system of Electronic Reporting for international yacht arrivals and departures beginning in September of this year. Currently the proposed reporting forms are in trial phase and the ACBPS want your feedback.

Published 10 years ago, updated 5 years ago

The ACBPS are aiming to introduce a reporting capability that is easy to use, removes most manual reporting requirements and allow the pleasure craft community to retain electronic records of all reporting to ACBPS. This will assist ACBPS by removing manual data entry requirements and move to electronic record keeping.

ACBPS is proposing to introduce a suite of 5 e-forms to facilitate pleasure craft reporting. The five proposed forms are:

Impending Arrival Report Pleasure Craft: For initial reporting to ACBPS 96 hours to 90 days prior to arrival in Australia.

Impending Arrival Report Update – Pleasure Craft: Available for providing updates if individual circumstances change (such as change of arrival date, change of arrival port, change of circumstances on board etc.)

Arrival Report – Pleasure Craft: To be submitted up to 24 hours AFTER arrival in Australia.

Application for Certificate of Clearance – Pleasure Craft: Requesting clearance prior to departing Australia.

Location Notification – Pleasure Craft: For providing movements and intentions updates when a control permit has been issued after arrival in Australia.

The above 5 forms have been developed as drafts in a test environment and the ACBPS need your input and assessment to ensure this process is usable and adds benefit to all users.

It is not planned to release the forms into production prior to 30 September 2014.

The link below is to the trial yacht electronic reporting form:

Drive it – play with it and your questions and feedback are most welcome to be sent to

The test site will be accesible until 4pm (EST) Friday 6th June, 2014.

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