

International Dialing Codes

YB Tracking Ltd.

Boat US Radio Information



SCS – Special Communications Systems GmbH

The Best Mail Services for Cruisers


Communication Equipment

Buying Communication Gear for your Boat

Caribbean Cruising & Cell Phones

Communications Made Simple for Cruisers

Cruising gear: what about the phone?

Top ways to use your tablet or iPad on board your boat

VHF Radio Licences & Operator Training

Internet On Board

Getting Internet on a Boat


OnBoard WiFi: Get Connected

Optimizing Iridium GO use on board

Satellite hot spot offshore

Position Reporting Systems for Cruisers



YB Tracking Ltd.

Cruising Radio Nets – Caribbean

See for a list of nets on both the Pacific and Atlantic sides of the USA.

Bahamas Cruiser Net

Bahamas Weather (BASRA)

C AM Breakfast Club

Carib WX George


Caribbean Maritime Mobile Net

Caribbean NW Net

Caribbean SSB Weather Net

Caribbean SW Net

Caribbean Safety and Security Net

Coconut Telegraph

Cruiseheimers Net

Friendly Carib Net

Magellan Net

Marine Weather Centre

SSCA “KPK” Radio Service

Salty Southeast Cruisers Net

The Spider Web Net

Waterway Cocktail Net

Waterway Net

Cruising Radio Nets – Asia

Cruising Radio Nets – Mediterranean

Mediterranean Radio Nets

Cruising Radio Nets – Atlantic

See for a list of nets on both the Pacific and Atlantic sides of the USA.

Atlantic Radio Nets

Cruiseheimers Net

South African SSB Nets

Cruising Radio Nets – Pacific

See for a list of nets on both the Pacific and Atlantic sides of the USA.

List of Pacific Radio Nets

The Spider Web Net

SSB Links

Communications: Understanding Marine high-frequency Single Sideband Radio

Ham or SSB Maritime Net Information

Installing an SSB Radio

Is your SSB ready for the Atlantic?

The Essential Role of HF/SSB Radio in Ocean Cruising

The Icom M802 Radio Manual For “Idi-Yachts”

Where & When Propagation tool


DMR (Digital Mobile Radio): Can cruisers benefit from such a system?


Staying in Touch when Cruising

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